It is currently Tue Feb 25, 2025 7:38 am
["MainHand"] = {
["Item"] = "18348:1900:0:0:0:0:0:1843083054",
["Color"] = "a335ee",
["Tooltip"] = "",
["Icon"] = "INV_Sword_01",
["Name"] = "Quel'Serrar",
["Shoulder"] = {
["Name"] = "Dreadmist Mantle",
["Color"] = "ff0070dd",
["Tooltip"] = "Dreadmist Mantle<br>Soulbound<br>Shoulder Cloth<br>64 Armor<br>+14 Stamina<br>+15 Intellect<br>+9 Spirit<br>Durability 49 / 50<br>Requires Level 55<br> <br><br>Dreadmist Raiment (1/8)<br> Dreadmist Belt<br> Dreadmist Bracers<br> Dreadmist Leggings<br> Dreadmist Mantle<br> Dreadmist Robe<br> Dreadmist Sandals<br> Dreadmist Mask<br> Dreadmist Wraps<br> <br><br>(2) Set: +200 Armor.<br>(4) Set: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 23.<br>(6) Set: When struck in combat has a chance of causing the attacker to flee in terror for 2 seconds. <br>(8) Set: +8 All Resistances.",
["Item"] = "16701:0:0:0",
["Texture"] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Bone_TaurenSkull_01",
- Code: Select all
["Tooltip"] = "",
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