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New Goon Logo?

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New Goon Logo?

Postby Killemal » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:55 pm

I recall Turus talking about changing the Goon logo that you see up there on the upper left corner of your screen when visiting the forums. Might I add my ideas to the pot?
The original idea was to copy the World of Warcraft logo, but I've yet to find the correct frame/background. I've also got a couple of mock-ups with this same theme but with our raven or our tabard in the background, but they just don't look right. If anyone knows of a place to find high-res images of the tabards, or even a high-res WoW logo template (without the words) I might be able to get that to work.

::EDIT:: Holy shit 2 minutes later I found that template. Thank you, internet gods!
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Killemal » Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:18 pm


That's what I was going for. :D
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Zancarius » Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:45 pm

I'm going to be a little brutal in this post, so don't take it personally.

First, it looks good. It's too Warcraft-y for what I think we had in mind. I personally don't want to rip off Blizzard's WoW logo for a variety of reasons, most especially since we do have other non-WoW game resources (and plan on adding more). I also feel that the modified/photoshopped WoW logo is a bit overused in the genre. I would like to retain the general avatar of a raven so we can attach a non-text logo to various things that we have in mind for the main guild site. I have a few ideas in mind but simply haven't taken the time to sketch them out.

Here are some technical guidelines:

  • Where possible, try to create a graphical logo. Text is great but an iconic glyph or symbol is better. Some mix of the two is acceptable, though I'm somewhat agnostic with regards to this.
  • A vector graphic (preferably as an SVG; most packages including Illustrator should be able to export to this) would be ideal as they can be scaled to virtually any size.
  • Raster graphics (like PNGs, JPEGs) are okay, but in order to do appropriate work, they need to be in the range of 3000x2000 pixels in case Turus decides to totally flip out and start printing t-shirts or other paraphernalia for contests or whatever. Excessive? Maybe, but I can envision possible contests in the future that would make this a requirement. I doubt we'd ever get to this particular point, but I'm also not fond of having to rework low resolution images in order to generate something that can be used in other circumstances beyond what they were originally designed for. Also, if the image has a background, you should submit the PSD so only the core image can be used. The image you see at the top of the site is a PNG with an 8-bit alpha channel (for transparency) which means that while it won't work in MSIE 6 or lower, it does look great on modern browsers. Don't merge layers where possible.

Some background on the existing logo:

The existing logo was drawn around 2005-2006 in Inkscape. While it superficially resembles some sports logo, it was actually based (loosely) on the silhouette view of a raven I had discovered via Google image search. I don't watch sports, I can't name any teams, and thus any existing resemblance is purely by accident. There are some things I would like to change about the logo, primarily due to similarities that have been pointed out to me since it was posted, and I would like to retain the following qualities:

  • Game neutral. WoW is nice but be aware that Diablo III is due out in a year or two, StarCraft II is currently out there, and our guildmates tend to play anything (and everything) under the sun. As I mentioned, we're planning on adding some resources for other games as well, so this is an objective to consider.
  • Time period neutral. We neither want something that appears too medieval or too futuristic. Something contemporary would be perfect.
  • Simplicity is important. Think of designing a business logo. The current logo we have is almost too "busy." Something simple yet eye catching would be extremely useful. If you can justify the additional complexity, that's fine, too.

Of course, it's possible that the majority of folks may disagree with everything I have posted (the technical guidelines are not negotiable, however), and if that's the case then we may go with whatever the majority decides upon.
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Killemal » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:02 pm

All valid points and all taken under advisement. I'mma keep playing with stuff!
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Zancarius » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:20 pm

To get an idea of what I mean about SVGs, attached is the current raven logo in SVG form.
Dragoon SVG Logo
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Tirian » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:50 pm

I'm frequently impressed with what both you guys are able to do with graphics. I'd like to add that I also like keeping the bird somehow involved and avoiding blatantly Blizzard font types.

You know, a slightly steampunk theme could be cool as it would time-neutral (or maybe I should say time-ambiguous). I'd love to see a raven etched into a beaten piece of chest armor or shield, but that's just a thought since I'm not equipped to make a mock-up :-P

EDIT: 1) Any and all googling of "steampunk" leads to a lot of disappointing cosplay outfits. 2) It's really too damn bad that Blizz will never allow us to import textures for the tabards in any way.
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Killemal » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:22 pm

I smell ya.

Spartan shield with some sort of steampunk raven crest? I've really only been manipulating images, but I can dust off the illustrator and see what I can do. Not nearly as competent with InkScape as I am with the GIMP, but there's never a better time to learn!
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Zancarius » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:30 pm

Tirian wrote:You know, a slightly steampunk theme could be cool as it would time-neutral (or maybe I should say time-ambiguous). I'd love to see a raven etched into a beaten piece of chest armor or shield, but that's just a thought since I'm not equipped to make a mock-up

That's true. It does need to have some transparent elements since it will be worked into this site (the forums) and the main site whenever we get around to replacing it with something more appropriate.

When the idea of a new logo was first presented, I actually had in mind something more along the lines of a full body mockup of a raven, but I haven't the time or inclination to really take it in the direction I wanted. I also lack the artistic talent to really do what I have in mind. (Something akin to the local cultural drawings of roadrunners in particular--i.e. a bird-like visage with pointed edges but more raven-like proportions, obviously.) The first attempt after about 10 minutes' time before lack of patience struck came up with this:

raven-test.png (2.17 KiB) Viewed 6105 times

Obviously, it has to be less Batman-esque than this example, would ideally have some indication of feathers trailing off the wing(s) while still retaining the characteristically enlarged beak of a raven, and somewhat more detail added to the logo might be a plus. Even something with multiple objects would be fine, like this:

raven-test-2.png (3.78 KiB) Viewed 6105 times

Hell, even maybe a simple line drawing outline like this would work, too:

raven-test-3.png (3.59 KiB) Viewed 6105 times

Of course, the problem with full silhouettes like the one I did above, particularly for various species of birds, is that they're easily confused. Is it a raven or a hawk with congenital deformities? Caricatures of birds displaying talons are invariably mistaken for various birds of prey (ravens are typically opportunistic scavengers, albeit very intelligent ones) and are often portrayed on coats of arms. I don't really want to get into debating what any of this may or may not mean in context, because Tirian provided a very insightful link in this discussion of a similar topic and why we may best avoid things like the double-headed eagle as currently graces the front of our guild tabard.

I know my responses are probably coming off as anal retentive. If so, I apologize. I have my reasons, and specifically I would suggest that anything we do for the site should be done with the possibility in mind that it'd make for a recognizable logotype on a t-shirt or similar. It also needs to be distinctly "ours;" something that could be recognized across the room as uniquely us in a crowd and would work equally well for conventions related to World of Warcraft--or something vastly differently like Modern Warfare. I'm not an artist. I have, however, done enough graphic-related work (mostly related to logotype) for purposes of high-quality printing for a couple of local companies, and I know a little bit more than the average Internet-goer about various things in the field. This is also why I would like something that serves multiple purposes so that we can show that we're most awesome guild ever. Or at least within reason (I admit the design I slapped together for the forums really does suck--I promise I'll get around to fixing that eventually).

Also, this probably goes without saying, but the licensing rights of the logo should fall probably fall under some Creative Commons license such as the Attribution-Noncommercial license or something similar. i.e. the artist needs to absolve all claims to the work to the guild so that everyone who is a member can use it as they see fit (with the exception of commercial/financial gain, of course). The intention being that the logo design would stay with the guild regardless of the artist's/designer's status.
Source SVG drawing.
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Gnomegrenade » Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:56 pm

I was messing with this pic and can't get anything to work. Thought I'd share.

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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Zancarius » Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:23 pm

Did you draw that?
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Gnomegrenade » Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:45 pm

Thalaria wrote:Did you draw that?

Nope. It was an old download that I held onto. I used to make sig pic's a while back (in my EQ days) and messed around with a wide assortment of things.
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Grimblast » Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:30 am

That is a bad ass image, Gnome. Nuff sed. We might be able to incorporate that into a logo or some other portion of the site. :D
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Zancarius » Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:28 am

After thinking about this, I believe it'd be fun to have a parody of game logos on the main site. To illustrate my line of thought, we could place Killem's logo, probably some parody of SCII, Borderlands (Goonlands?), and so forth somewhere on a splash page or what have you. I'd have to fabricate a mock up to better illustrate.
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Zancarius » Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:40 pm

After toying around in Inkscape, here's a (rough) drawing close to an idea that I had.

raven-bust-logo-small.png (13.02 KiB) Viewed 6058 times
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Re: New Goon Logo?

Postby Zancarius » Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:54 pm

And another incantation with text along with the source SVG:

raven-bust-logo-plus-text.png (24.56 KiB) Viewed 6058 times

The SVG is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license.
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