There's some speculation over on Slashdot about the next expansion, and they think it is going to be titled Cataclysm. If true, it could very well involve the Maelstrom as some of you predicted (I was wrong; as much as I wanted the Emerald Dream, I guess we'll have to hold off--sigh). I'd imagine this will involve raising the level cap to 90. But that involves some consideration:
First, raising the level cap again will be an admission just like the 70 -> 80 increase was, except that this time, it will be far more telling. One, Blizzard likely doesn't expect that there are any "new" players picking up WoW. Increasing the level cap increases the time taken for new players to reach a point where they can enjoy content with their guild mates. Older content, just like much of the fun stuff in BC we experienced, rusts away, disused, forgotten, and never experienced again. I imagine the egghead analysts at Blizzard long ago decided that it is better to create content to keep existing players playing and canceled accounts coming back; after all, whoever wants to play WoW has already been playing it, I'm sure. And you have to confess, in spite of the experience requirement reductions, leveling is fast only for those who have already leveled: You're screwed if you're a new player.
If indeed this covers the Maelstrom, it'll be an interesting experience. I might even come back for that. Well, unless Diablo III is out--at that point, forget it.