It is currently Tue Mar 04, 2025 12:03 pm
Thalaria wrote:He was an extraordinarily talented individual. It's a shame he was so misguided. His faults can largely be attributed to his upbringing, IMO. (Yeah, some people can be abused and turn out just fine--but that's not everyone.)
He's a legend.legend in his own right.
Snobal wrote:him via media or any other means, are now turning around and glorifying him for his work, talent, influence, brilliance, the list goes on... after his death.
Snobal wrote:I didn't necessarily agree with some of the things Michael Jackson did, but its undeniable that the man was a master of his craft, beyond master, even. I owe some of the music I hear to MJ, because he inspired so many of my earlier generation to write music. Not only did he inspire so many, but he appreciated those he inspired and their work. He did songs with Justin Timerlake (someone he heavily inspired), and Chris Brown (another he heavily inspired). That's not someone I would necessarily expect someone to do from such a high level... Chris Brown even went on to do tributes to MJ.
Snobal wrote:Sure, Michael did some really questionable things. Like on Neverland Ranch with the freaking petting zoo and children's rides; however, I believe he had good intent. The intent to simply use his resources to better the lives of others.
Damorte wrote: He was a guy who never had the chance to be treated like a kid. He was pushed into everything by his father and didn't get the chance to choose his own path.
Thalaria wrote:Snobal wrote:him via media or any other means, are now turning around and glorifying him for his work, talent, influence, brilliance, the list goes on... after his death.
So true. It's human nature. People generally say bad things about someone and then when they turn up dead a week later, they kinda go "Uhh, oops?"
I'd say it's a lesson worthy of Gandhi's praise: Be careful what you say about someone, 'cause you never know what awaits around the corner... Not that it matters really. Human nature tends also to be critical of others to the bitter end.Snobal wrote:I didn't necessarily agree with some of the things Michael Jackson did, but its undeniable that the man was a master of his craft, beyond master, even. I owe some of the music I hear to MJ, because he inspired so many of my earlier generation to write music. Not only did he inspire so many, but he appreciated those he inspired and their work. He did songs with Justin Timerlake (someone he heavily inspired), and Chris Brown (another he heavily inspired). That's not someone I would necessarily expect someone to do from such a high level... Chris Brown even went on to do tributes to MJ.
Well said, man. Well said.Snobal wrote:Sure, Michael did some really questionable things. Like on Neverland Ranch with the freaking petting zoo and children's rides; however, I believe he had good intent. The intent to simply use his resources to better the lives of others.
You know, you're on to something I last heard a number of years ago, but not many people came out to actually say (I guess 'cause the whole abusing little boys thing made for better jokes). The suggestion is very similar to what you're proposing: He had the temperament of a small boy caught in a man's body. In fact, I vaguely remember an interview with him some years back where he said something about "feeling like I'm a little boy" all the time.
I don't think he had the mental capability to really abuse a child when he was technically one himself.
But yeah, you're right. He seemed to genuinely try to do something to give visitors a chance at a sort of fantasy land away from reality. I guess it's something he could associate with: Given his abuse, it'd make sense that he'd want to escape from it all. Poor guy.
Sadly, some of the good things a person does never usually come out until after they're dead. Especially the modest sorts. Now there's suggestions he was abusing prescription drugs which lead to heart failure. If that's the case, it's an even more tragic affair. His attempts at escape from the world would have thus lead to his demise.
As another aside, looking at his earlier work is pretty amazing. His effeminate character is pretty apparent, but regardless of what you think--those dance moves are incredible. Didn't he also work with all the people in his videos for the dance scenes, too?
Lithium wrote:The kids that he was accused of abusing... weren't even born during the height of his popularity. So why would a child's dying wish (Not just "a" wish, mind you. Their dying wish.) to be to meet a musician they weren't all that familiar with? Personally, I believe Michael was the target of gluttonous parents that were using their sick and dying children as tools, using them to sue a millionaire for vasts amounts of money.
It's a shame that that's what a lot of misinformed people will remember him for. He did far greater things than most celebrities and musicians could ever hope to achieve. He received presidential awards for his charity work, funded so much of his money into helping the less fortunate... and this is what the media chose to glorify. Shame on them.
Lithium wrote:Personally, I believe Michael was the target of gluttonous parents that were using their sick and dying children as tools, using them to sue a millionaire for vasts amounts of money.
He was a huge fan of Nine Inch Nails Downward Spiral
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