Ok, so we all know how the ah works . . . sell high . . sell higher and just plainly rip your fellow players off. I am one of the few who actually sell things for a reasonable price, not just undercut my competition. If I put something in the ah (which is rare nowadays) I look at the price it starts as, decide if it is reasonable, and place the buyout about 50s-1g more (if this makes any sense).
In any case, I was playing on my horde toons on thorium brotherhood today, trying to gather up some cash for my 60 druid. I was surprised when I looked on one of my alts, I had 3 stacks of wool (which go for 4-6g), a stack of 20 silver ore (priced at 50g in the ah) . . . the list goes on. No wonder the horde have a hard time gearing up. Not only are reagents priced out of the sky . . . but armor and weapons are as well. So . . . being the reasonable person I am, I offer my 20 silver ore in trade for 15g . .. a huge undercut, but priced higher than it really should be anyway. it sells immediately and the buyer turns around and places it in the ah for 45g.
Ok . . . whatever. All I know is I sold it, I am 15g richer and I did not pull anyone's teeth out. Why such the hype for huge amounts of gold? I also sold my wool for 2g a stack . .. this economy sucks . . . poor horde.