Edit: Its apparently been fixed as of 9 a.m (EST) Oct/25/09.
It is currently Fri Feb 28, 2025 9:57 pm
Thalaria wrote:Now that's hilarious.
As an aside, never order software pre-releases from Amazon. I probably won't be getting mine 'til November! Not that it matters--I've been using the RC for months.
Tirian wrote:I'm waiting at least a couple more weeks till I get out some important papers. Can't risk PC downtime right now. That said, I'm excited to move to Vista Not-Fucked-Up... and will probably do a RAM upgrade in the process as well.
Tirian wrote:I'm waiting at least a couple more weeks till I get out some important papers. Can't risk PC downtime right now. That said, I'm excited to move to Vista Not-Fucked-Up... and will probably do a RAM upgrade in the process as well.
Snobal wrote:Its probably for the better, anyway. That'll give them some time to release updates, hotfixes, etc. I'm coincidentally buying myself some more RAM as well.
Thalaria wrote:The RTM (Release to Manufacturing better known as retail) has been out since August. Most of the major fixes have already been pushed to Windows update. Any fixes that will be coming out since Oct. 22nd will be to address oddball things that weren't reported during the first two months following the MSDN release.
That said, I think the public beta and RC releases of Windows 7 were an absolutely BRILLIANT idea on Microsoft's part, and I'd be willing to bet that these freely available releases were responsible in large part for making 7 a better release than Vista. Anyone could try out 7. But the best part? The whole driver fiasco that screwed Vista over is virtually nonexistent with 7. Yeah, some things might not work, but my experience has been largely positive. I haven't encountered a device that didn't work out of the box. Can't say the same thing about Vista (or XP x64 for that matter). So far, I've not heard a bad thing about the launch yet.
I'll give you one bit of warning: The taskbar WILL take some getting used to. They've given it a non-trivial overhaul. You may hate it at first but it does grow on you. One particular tweak that I found necessary was to right click Start -> Properties -> click the "Taskbar" tab, and change "taskbar buttons" to "combine when taskbar is full". This creates a setting that is analogous to XP's default taskbar and adds text to the buttons. Icon-only application buttons just don't cut it in my book.
Tirian wrote:The GIS guys in my office are all upgrading, both from XP and Vista. I'm shocked -- I was pretty sure that some of them would not let XP be torn from their cold, dead hands.
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