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Ok, new Wolfenstein has my attention

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 9:41 am
by Grimblast
Ok, so Bethesda and ID know how to get my attention, but will they deliver unlike Rage? We shall see!

Re: Ok, new Wolfenstein has my attention

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:14 am
by Zancarius
Rage was good up until about the halfway point, then it felt rushed. Sad that you can almost tell where Bethesda bought id. Still, the Tech 4 engine is impressive--it's just a shame that after the buy-out, the engine is in-house only and traditional id behavior (selling, eventually open sourcing) will never happen again...

So, I won't hold out much hope for this but maybe they'll surprise us. I'd complain about yet-another-franchise-reboot, but since everyone is doing it these days there's probably no point. And sometimes they're good.

(Still waiting on a decent Doom reboot, though, and one that's not a tech demo with cut scenes every new encounter.)