Highgrade, Matt, and I have been goofing off in the free to play Champions Online. For free to play, the game is still very good. Lots of fun making a character appearence as well as grouping up and playing the game together. If anyone would like to join us, we will be playing sometime after 6pm tonight. Best place to catch us really, is in the guild teamspeak server. Best way to grab the games client is through Steam. Hope to see some of you there tonight. If you don't have the connection info for the TS 3 server, make sure to check the sticky post in the Guild section of the forums. If you still have trouble, look me up on steam. My handle is Grimblast.
Tirian, If you catch this post and want to join us, I'll see about staying up extra late tonight to catch you online. We all started at level 1 and made it to about lvl 14 but it won't take us much to get others caught up!
HG is rolling DPS and I'm rolling heals. Matt had to bug out early yesterday so not sure what he decided on playing.