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Ark: Survival Evolved

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Ark: Survival Evolved

Postby Highgrade » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:10 pm

Alright y'all. I know how much you like survival and building games. Ark is a game that is still in development but like many games these days has early access. Me and Josh have been playing around with it, only a day so far, but it is pretty cool. so the premise is basically you are dropped on an Ark, and you have to survive. Think castaway without Wilson. I think Josh is playing around with the dedicated server options and what not. The game is available through steam. I will report on more as I get more experience with it, not sure the depth of the game at this time.
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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Postby Zancarius » Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:35 pm

It looks interesting. I've been eyeing it off for a while, but I understand that it's kinda buggy and performance is a bit abysmal at this point. Hunter's spoken well of it. It's either a choice between that and Planet Explorer (?).
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