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Helpful Tools to Assist You

Quest help and how to guides to assist your adventure in SWTOR. May contain links that go outside our forum.

Helpful Tools to Assist You

Postby Grimblast » Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:28 pm

I stumbled upon some databases that may be great tools to assist our members while we play SWTOR. I've used similar online tools in the past for WOW so my hope is these will get us out of rough spots that we can't figure out or if we need some light reading. If there are any other tools or nifty links you think we should have here, please feel free to message me in game or post about it here on the forums!

    • This site has a lot of information ranging from quests to information about the different companions in the game. Might be worth just browsing around it and get well read ahead of time.
    • From the makers of wowhead comes torhead. I'd probably use this a lot due to the success of wowhead back in my Warcraft days. Doesn't hurt to check other sites for info though!
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Re: Helpful Tools to Assist You

Postby ReconPete » Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:40 am

Slicing crew skill worksheet.

Not my work, seems legit.
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