About Me Plunder
In effort to spice up our survival-mode server, I've decided to take it upon myself to start hiding various bits and pieces of treasure across the Minecraft world. Of course, it's well-hidden, so using the map isn't going to be of much use. As it stands, there's only about three areas that you can see on the map, but unless you know what you're looking at it'd be impossible to figure out what (or where!) they are. In fact, don't even bother. You'll simply be wasting your time!
I haven't hidden any of them in the same manner twice (yet!), but the only hints I'm willing to part with are: Look for unexplored (or unclaimed) areas far away from any current structures that look unusual. For ones that are less obvious, I may have placed signs along with a redstone torch very close to the spot that the chest is hidden. If you find a sign with a cryptic message, you'll need to decipher it in order to figure out where the spoils may be hidden. Everything is buried and may take some effort to get to, so the best way to be sure is to start digging!
If you happen to be lucky enough to find a chest, you'll be rewarded with gear, diamonds (most of the time, anyway), and blocks that are very difficult to obtain in the stock game (or impossible!) in addition to spawner eggs and some other odds and ends (mostly trash items so that you can't just break the chest and hope to pick up all the good stuff!). But be sure to examine the contents closely: Their shape or composition might yield clues to the whereabouts of other chests! For example: A chest with a compass in it might tell you the cardinal direction of the next chest, but I'll leave you to figure out what the item count next to the compass means!
On the other hand, if you encounter a chest that has almost nothing of use in it, all isn't lost! These are marker chests and serve the same purpose as unusual items placed in the treasure chests! Maybe they also tell of a direction or something nearby...
List 'em if You Got 'em!
If you're lucky enough to discover my treasure, list the coordinates where you discovered them! Chests that are uncovered might happen to have something fresh appear in them or maybe even something new very close by!
Obviously, there's a couple of basic rules that apply:
1) All chests are buried and cannot be opened unless they're fully excavated. If you find a chest out in the middle of nowhere in an easy-to-access location, it's not my treasure chest. Chances are, it's someone else's building materials!
2) None of the chests are located in an area that is inhabited. I classify inhabited areas as player-created structures, areas with significant torch placement, and villages. If you're looking in any of these areas, you're looking in the wrong spot. You must instead venture deep in to the wilds!
3) No cheating. Yes, there are ways to cheat the system. No, you shouldn't do it. No, I won't tell you how to do it. I'll be unhappy if you do, and then I won't be hiding any new plunder!
4) I'm not eligible for this game! Obviously, right?