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Rahkghoul Dailies on Tatooine

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Rahkghoul Dailies on Tatooine

Postby Grimblast » Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:49 pm

For those working on the dailies for the Rahkghoul Dailies on Tatooine, there's a mission terminal quest you can do to get wreckage that will lead up to a Rahkghoul pet. Below is information we found in the forums.

Make sure to go to the first 3 spots in the top of the quote below so you get the proper buffs that will help light up the mission terminal. If you don't have the buffs, I don't think you can get the quest.

Escape pod : 449, 3068
Med Supplies : 560, 2780
TV : 606, 3528 ( Starport entrance )

Mission terminal : 755, 2859

Parts :
Dune Sea :
-1393, -484
-2420, -750
-2031, -1891

Southern Jundland :

1800, 600
1095, 725
309, 264
1093, -411
-502, -328

Nothern Jundland :

745, -2545
760, -915
1192, -1269
-595, -1443

Reward is a rakhgoul Pet!
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