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46 and up

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46 and up

Postby MaxRile » Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:49 am

As many of you are reaching lvl 50.. i would like to point out certain things that may or may not help you "grind" out those last few lvls, that and a few little things ive noticed that would help in the long run.

    1.around lvl 46-47 your story quests start picking up in "Epicness" and in turn so does their EXP. By this time just do your story quests youll get to 50 if not close to it.

    2.Belsavise's Bonus quests unlock alot of lvl 50 dailies if your having trouble with the above try this.

    3.ive noticed the more ppl you invite to help you with your class quests the harder they get meaning, "something you can barely live through alone" turning into "how does anyone expect you to do this alone" after you invited 3 of your buddies to help you. (which shouldnt keep you from asking)

    4.once you hit lvl 48-50 ask around for some help with items some ppl have gear to give away this game offers alot of BoEs (bind on equip) and craftable starter items.

    5.last but not least Corellia offers alot of starter sets (armor) and the quest line is long anof that if you skip the heroic ones youll still have anof to get you something and the credits are really nice if your hard up for a mount.
Alice: How long is forever?
White Rabbit: Sometimes, Just one second.
-Lewis Carrol
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