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Minecraft Server Address, Rules, and Guides [Archived]

Minecraft isn't just a chip off the ol' block. It's an addictive and deceptively complicated construction sandbox game. Play in survival mode (multiplayer, too!) while building fortifications to protect against zombie hordes--and other baddies that appear during the night--or try your hand at massive projects in creative mode. We run a local Minecraft server instance for guild members and others on an invite-only basis. See the sticky posts in this forum for details!
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Minecraft Server Address, Rules, and Guides [Archived]

Postby Zancarius » Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:01 pm

Thanks to the generosity of Josh (Grimblast, Turus, et al), we have a Minecraft server running on the host:

This server is open to use and freely available for anyone who's a member of the guild. While anyone can connect, you'll be placed into a guest group by default and will be unable to interact with blocks, switches, and mobs until your permissions are upgraded. If you've connected and need your account access changed, just post in the Minecraft forum.


Server rules are pretty basic, but there's a few obvious points that you might need to be aware of.

  • Don't interfere with projects others are working on without permission. In particular, this means you shouldn't add to or remove from existing construction.
  • Try to avoid tunneling underneath claimed plots or extracting resources from a claimed mine. Again, it never hurts to ask first, and your neighbors may not mind--especially if they've been meaning to work on a tunneling project for a railway station but haven't had time. Two pairs of hands are faster than one.
  • If you break another player's construction or tunnel into someone else's project, you'll need to fix it.
  • Obviously, abuse isn't tolerated. Moderators have the ability to kick and ban players from the server if needed and all activities are logged in the event a rollback is needed.
  • Feel free to bring a friend if you like, but be aware that they may be placed into a probationary group until we're satisfied that they're cooperative and friendly.


Moderators have access to a small subset of commands that are useful for controlling player behavior. Further, they're also able to promote guests to standard user accounts. Some moderators may also have privileges to undo damage done by other users or creepers depending on the circumstance. Look for the following people if you're in need of assistance:

  • aychgee
  • Grimblast
  • Maxrile
  • Zancarius

Player Guide

Worlds and Types

As of January 2012, the Goon server is running Multiverse for supporting multiple worlds and game types. What this means for you is that if you don't like survival mode, we've got a couple of creative mode instances set up (including our old Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 world) that you may freely explore and build within. You can access each of these worlds from the portal hub at the main world's spawn point, and all of the worlds--survival and creative--have portals leading back to the primary portal hub. However, be aware that guests cannot access any portals.

There are currently three game types available with the following rules and with unique inventories:

  • Survival - Raw survival mode. There's no difference in game play between this mode and the survival mode you'd play in Survival Single Player (SSP) beyond the changes that exist in Survival Multi-Player (SMP). Any world that is associated with this game type shares the same inventory.
  • Creative - Creative mode--with perks. Specifically, all players (except guests) have access to certain WorldEdit commands to assist in their creations and may freely toggle their game type between survival and creative. Creative worlds are great for testing out ideas for survival worlds without the worries of resource constraints.
  • Survival Hard Mode - Survival--in hard mode. Hard mode survival ups the ante by increasing the difficulty of mobs and their damage. Furthermore, there is no spawn point mob protection nor are there any safe structures built around the spawn. In survival hard mode, only the portal and the signs near it are indestructible. Additionally, player hard mode survival inventories are separate from vanilla survival mode worlds so you cannot bring materials with you.

Currently available worlds in the spawn point are:

  • Old World Beta 1.7.3 - This is the old 1.7.3 beta world that we ran from Minecraft Beta 1.3 up until 1.8 was released.
  • Creative Mode - This is a Minecraft Release creative mode world.
  • Old World - Creative - The Old World 1.7.3 seed with nothing in it in creative mode.
  • Old World - Survival - The Old World 1.7.3 seed with nothing in it in survival mode. If you want to play in the old world and rediscover familiar areas, this is for you.
  • Nebulus - Survival - Nebulus is a new seed using the PTM173 generator to bring pre-1.8 terrain into Minecraft Release. This world is in regular survival mode, and the player starts at the edge of a desert overlooking a small body of water.
  • Andarus - Hard Mode Survival - Andarus is a hard mode survival instance also using the PTM173 terrain generator. The player starts under a large rock outcropping in the middle of a fairly large forest. Good luck!

Survival Mode

When you first enter the server, you'll be spawned at the central spawn point which acts as both a portal and transit hub to other worlds and most explored points on the map. This spawn point is protected from creatures and extends a little farther outward from the standard 16x16 spawn point boundary. While you're inside the spawn, your health and hunger rates will regenerate very quickly. This serves to protect new players who may not yet be privy to the changes and alterations since Minecraft's official release and provides a safe haven for those individuals who haven't yet established a home base for themselves.

Most current encampments are within 300-400 blocks of the spawn. You may or may not be able to freely obtain food and other goods from established bases--be sure to ask first--so when you leave the spawn, be prepared to harvest goods you'll need to get started. There's plenty of tutorials that detail precisely what you'll need to do when you first enter the world, and the Minecraft Wiki is a great place to get started.

Remember: Minecraft worlds are effectively infinite (eight times the surface area of the Earth), so don't be afraid to spend a few days exploring in search of the perfect spot to set up.

Survival - Hard Mode

The Goon server currently has exactly one survival hard mode instance running. If you've been playing for any length of time, the first thing you'll likely notice is that the survival hard mode does not share inventories with other survival instance. This is by design: Hard mode instances are intended to be completely separated from the regular survival mode. Further, monster difficulty has been increased and there is no spawn point protection in place (except for building); if a creeper spots you and you're sitting atop the survival portal, you likely won't survive.


Creative mode instances share inventory among each other but not with survival mode instances. Additionally, creative mode instances grant the player access to a variety of WorldEdit commands to assist in creating large, repeating structures. Specifically, the player has access to the following:

General Commands:

[tt]/give [item] [count][/tt] - Gives the player [count] [item]s.
[tt]/gamemode creative|survival[/tt] - Sets the player's game mode to one of "creative" or "survival;" e.g., [tt]/gamemode creative[/tt].
[tt]/mv spawn[/tt] - Moves the player to the world's spawn point. Useful if you're lost.

WorldEdit Commands:

See the WorldEdit command reference for a full list. Specifically, players have access to the following:

[tt]/butcher [radius][/tt] - Butchers all mobs within [radius] blocks of the player; e.g. [tt]/butcher 30[/tt].

There's plenty more commands that players have access to, but those listed above are the ones likely to be most useful.

This guide will continue to be updated as features are added to the server and stabilized over the coming week.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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