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PVP Information and Tips

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PVP Information and Tips

Postby Grimblast » Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:21 pm

Matt and I were goofing off in some PVP and I figured it might be a good idea to get a post up about what PVP means for players. Here is a list of what I've figured out so far.

PVP Info and Tips
  • You can get very decent PVE gear from it. Most of the gear is orange in quality meaning you can modify it to fit your tastes.
  • There is only 1 PVP stat in the game, Expertise.
  • Expertise: It increases your damage and healing in PVP as well as reduces damage you take in PVP combat.
  • You queue Wargames in the corner of your minimap. You don't get to choose which one you play, you are randomly assigned. You can queue as a group but currently when you leave the wargame at the end, you have to regroup up.
  • You are queued automatically at the end of every Wargame by default to get into another match. Keep this in mind if you don't want to go alone and are queuing as a group.
  • Huttball is a neutral Wargame meaning Empire players may get pitted against other Empire players and vice versa for the Republic as well. If you get Hutt Ball a lot, that means there aren't many people of the opposing faction queuing up for Wargames. The other wargames require Empire vs. Republic.
  • You gain valor as you do PVP. Valor is sort of like an experience system for PVP. I've read when you have 50 or more Valor, you get access to more PVP dailies which open up more gearing opportunities from special vendors. I've also read that higher levels of Valor are needed to open Battlemaster PVP Bags which can contain medals and upper tier gear.
  • When a Wargame ends, make sure to vote your friends MVP in listing that pops up! Each vote nets them an extra commendation! Great way to help our your friends and guildies gear up.
  • You can start Queuing Wargames at level 10. In wargames, everyone is equal save for your abilities you have from leveling. So, a level 10 can join in a game that has players that are level 50 for instance. Everyone is pretty much equal save for what Expertise does for you and any gearing advantages like set bonuses for instance.
  • All Wargames I've been in reward you Warzone Commendations. They are the basic PVP vendor currency you use to buy gear with. The next step up are Mercenary Commendations. You get those from world PVP as well as trading in 30 Warzone Commendations for 10 Mercenary Commendations. There are vendors on capital worlds for pvp items for specific classes but I find the best place to go for each factions pvp vendors is their respective fleet in the supplies area. Just remember, the vendors are arranged by class so make sure you go to the right vendor when doing gear research!
  • You can hold a total of 1000 Warzone and 1000 Mercenary Commendations. That means if you get too close to that number, time to spend!
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