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minimum machine specs

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minimum machine specs

Postby Jargath » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:22 pm

Ok, I have a question, or two.
I know I need a video card upgrade. I just read the minimum game requirements and it says that I should have as a minimum AMD 64x2 duel core 4000+ processor. I currently have an AMD Athlon 64 4000+ in a 939 socket mb. I have 2GB of ram. I'm running windows XP 32 bit. I should be ok on my PSU. I replaced it a while back with a 650W, I'll have to look to be sure (it might be higher).

1. Do I also need to get another CPU (is there really that much difference between the two)?
2. Will I notice enough of a difference in performance if I bump up my ram to 3GB or even to 4GB? (The vid card will have 512MB to 1GB ram)
Is it true that a 32 bit processor will use just under 4GB. Do I need to consider the vid card memory in that total?
3. Are there any fireproof robes for my conselor? or do I have to use the force on everything?
4. Are these the droids I'm looking for?
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Re: minimum machine specs

Postby Grimblast » Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:04 am

Lets see here...

1. Do I also need to get another CPU (is there really that much difference between the two)?

Well, when dealing with a single cpu and a dual core, the dual core is a little bit more efficient compared to a single core. You will feel some performance boost based on the dual core you get. I did a quick search to find something that somewhat shows you a comparison and came across this fairly large list. If you do a find(ctrl+f usually or in the edit menu of your browser) for the words "AMD Athlon 64 4000+" you will see where your existing processor is rated on their benchmark compared to the other processors. The higher up on the chart, the better it is.

2. Will I notice enough of a difference in performance if I bump up my ram to 3GB or even to 4GB? (The vid card will have 512MB to 1GB ram)
Is it true that a 32 bit processor will use just under 4GB. Do I need to consider the vid card memory in that total?

You have a 64 bit processor so your limiting factor is actually the type of Windows operating system you have. If you are running with a 32 bit version of Windows, the operating system will only recognize up to 4 gigs of memory. If you had a 64 bit version of Windows XP, it could recognize up to 128 gigs of memory(overkill but depends on what you use it for). I know you are a teacher so I suggest looking into getting Windows 7. You should have some kind of educators discount that you can take advantage of since Windows can be a little pricey. You don't need an extravagant version of Windows 7 of course. Just make sure that when you install it, you install the 64 bit version. The more memory you have the better. I currently roll with 6 or 8 gigs myself but I can't check that right now since I'm at the office. For what you do, 4 gigs is probably going to be more than enough. I do a lot of multitasking at home and use memory intensive software so I doubt you need to have too much memory. More isn't always good but that's a discussion for another time. Memory is like adding a spice to food. Spice to taste. I can discuss more with you in teamspeak later pertaining to memory.

Video card memory is an interesting thing. I won't go into too much detail(plus I'm no expert on the subject) but here's a quick summary. Video card memory is for the video card to run smooth graphics for you based on the spec's of the video cards hardware and the demand of the game/software you are using. Typically, 512mb of memory is more than enough to get the job done for most of the games we see now days. Some games are a little bit more graphics intensive/speed intensive and require more calculations, thus prompting cards to require more video memory but 512 is more than enough for an MMO. If you plan on playing games that are a lot more intense and its not too expensive, get the card with 1 gig of video memory just to be on the safe side. Remember, it does help to upgrade to something that will last a very long time. No need to have to update every year at least. Typically from my experience, video cards will go a long way so you won't have to upgrade it every year.

3. Are there any fireproof robes for my conselor? or do I have to use the force on everything?

Stop drop and roll! Use the force as needed.

4. Are these the droids I'm looking for?

A picture better explains it.


I'm sure someone out there has better answers than I since I sort of typed this all up on the fly and didn't go into too much technical detail. Just tried to layman's terms it. Hope it helps or someone comes up with a better set of answers than I!
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Re: minimum machine specs

Postby MaxRile » Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:37 am

From a budget understanding this is what i would pick.

70-100 range
Intels-G620 Sandy Bridge 2.6GHz
Low power
It will last awile
and its just fast anof to get it done in most if not all games.
AMDs-AMD Athlon II X3 450 Rana 3.2GHz
Faster then the Intel
Still last awile
Unlock-able 4th core depending on motherboard
and 10$ rebate ends 11/14

No idea what Motherboard you have so i would say a for the AMD cpu get one of the "AMD 880G"s there priced any were from 60 to 100 bucks, as for the Intel cpu "Intels H67" is your best bet there alil more pricey starting around 70 ending around 110ish. if you need help with the details. T, Thal, or i can help you.

As for a video card what games do you plan on playing? and how "pretty" would you like them to look, theres video cards for 50 60 70 even 300+ bucks so list some. It will help get a better picture on what you want vs what you need.
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Re: minimum machine specs

Postby Jargath » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:43 pm

I should be operational hopefully by next weekend of the 11th if all my stuff gets here in time. Ordered upgrades today. After all rebates, I ended up spending only $345. Upgrades are:
MB: Biostar A880G+ AM3 $60
CPU: AMD|Phenom II X4 960T $109
Video card: GTS450 (not the best but had a $40 rebate and will suffice) $60
Ram: 8 Gbs $34
OS: Windows 7 64bit OEM $80
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Re: minimum machine specs

Postby Grimblast » Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:50 pm

Looks good! Be careful when you put the CPU in place and all should be well!
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