Hey everyone! Finally a release date out!Exited? Well I am. I haven't found a serious thread anywhere regarding this theme which I thought was weird so I want to see if any beta testers or people who have followed the game even closer then me have some answers for me. I am going to refer and compare to WoW so dont flame me on that, I am only doing it so more of the people can understand what my point is
So which classes will you say are comparable in SW:TOR and WoW? It will probably lots of different opinions but that's just great, at least we'll get some input and all the other people out there who have no clue can also get some knowledge
I will just go into the advanced classes since the pre-advanced classes won't matter that much.
Out of the horrible trolls and haters hitting the post, one very nice individual gave a proper answer.
Now, onto the post. Rather than mention that "other game's" classes (and draw equal ire), let me give you some basic info so you can draw your own conclusions. Remember, the game is still in development and all this can change. So, when I say something, insert a big "probably."
First, you are correct to use the Advanced Class name rather than the Class name. The Advanced Class is more comparable to the Class in "that other game."
Second, unlike that other game, some advanced classes in SWTOR can be specced to be two different things, depending upon how points are used in skill trees. So, for instance, a Commando can be a ranged dps or a healer, or a little of both.
Third, since my guild is going Republic, I know more about those classes. I am guessing a bit on the Imperial side.
Now, here goes:
The "tanks" of the game on the Republic side will be the Vanguard and Powertech (ranged) and the Guardian and Juggernaut (melee) for the Empire.
The "healers" of the game will be the Commando, Sage, Scoundrel (Republic) and Operative, Mercenary and Sorcerer (Empire).
The "melee dps" will be the Shadow, Scoundrel, Sentinel (Republic) and Marauder, Operative and Assassin (Empire).
The "ranged dps" will be the Commando and Gunslinger (Republic) and Mercenary, Sniper and Sorcerer (Empire).
The "stealth" classes will be the Scoundrel and Shadow (Republic) and Operative and Assassin (Empire).
So, for those that were trying to get a feel for what they were wanting to play, there is a useful generalization.