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Duke Nukem Forever first impressions

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Duke Nukem Forever first impressions

Postby Grimblast » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:06 am

Well, I've not had a whole lot of time to play it but I must say, they did a very good job with the game despite all the nay sayers giving crap reviews of the game. It's exactly what I expected it to be for a Duke Nukem game. Macho content with explosions, bad movie one liners(tasteful ones), some meme references, and the list goes on and on. The games controls aren't complex and are almost reminiscent of Duke Nukem 3D. You can only carry 2 guns which isn't too bad since ammo doesn't seem to be too much of an issue. The few boss fights I've done have been creative and require you to take cover in some parts of the fights. I especially like the finishers you can do to them once you have finished off their health bars. But I don't want to give too much away.

I have yet to try the multiplayer stuff for the game but I must say, the single player experience fell is certainly fun. As for the poor reviews, I don't think they understand the whole Duke Nukem character so they don't get the whole macho approach the game has. I don't recommend the game for children under a certain age due to the level of sexual content the game has and references.
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Re: Duke Nukem Forever first impressions

Postby Zancarius » Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:57 pm

I finally got it while it was on sale this weekend.

I'll be honest: The reviews were pretty crummy, and I wasn't expecting much. In fact, that's part of why I held off; the reviews were so awful (generally speaking), that they really painted the game as a poor remake of DN3D.

I ended up playing it for 3 solid hours last night when I meant to do some coding instead. That's how awesome it was. It's horribly sexist, gruesome, gory, and has absolutely no redeeming qualities--like any good Duke title should be. It was a blast.

Actually, I was pleasantly surprised. The basic complaints regarding DNF (specifically that you can only carry one special weapon at any given time) are inane; it fits well with the general feel of the game, and I think they're poorly placed. Plus, melee is an integral and important part (you wouldn't be a bad ass without it), so why use ammo?

I'm glad I waited 'til it dropped in price, but I also wish that the reviewers were more intellectually honest. I suspect they're closet feminists and were simply giving poor reviews because their wives or girlfriends refused to give them a Chilean Miner unless they bashed Duke.
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Re: Duke Nukem Forever first impressions

Postby MaxRile » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:38 am

the idea of it has changed over so many hands that its like the game telephone
or so i think
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Re: Duke Nukem Forever first impressions

Postby Zancarius » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:04 am

In spite of the complaints of some reviewers, it seems pretty cohesive to me.
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Re: Duke Nukem Forever first impressions

Postby MaxRile » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:50 am

ok after playing the game myself (ty steam)
I can see why ppl are in an up roar over this game, its in a sense a Duke game were tits, beer, pills, and violence.... and you pick up 3 games hell not even that much and you get the same result. Duke Nukem Forever just condensed it. which was awesome btw!
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