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Star Wars Galaxies MMO Shutting down in Dec.

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Star Wars Galaxies MMO Shutting down in Dec.

Postby Grimblast » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:04 pm

Some news from around the internet. Looks like Star Wars Galaxies(ran by Sony Online Entertainment) will be shutting down later this year. I was curious what was going to happen to that when The Old Republic rolls out but that seems to tie up that loose end for LucasArts. I doubt it would have been profitable with the Old Republic stomping all over its territory. I never played Star Wars Galaxies but it had a long run from 2003 to now. Some one out there liked it I guess. Here's the excerpt letter from the above link:

We write to you today to inform you that on December 15, 2011, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) and LucasArts will end all services (MMO and Trading Card Game) for Star Wars Galaxies (SWG). The shutdown of SWG is a very difficult decision, but SOE and LucasArts have mutually agreed that the end of 2011 is the appropriate time to end the game.

We are extremely grateful to all of the SWG fans. We have had the rare opportunity to host one of the most dedicated and passionate online gaming communities and we truly appreciate the support we've received from each and every one of you over the course of the past eight years.

In recognition of your incredible loyalty, we are extending special Fan Appreciation offers to the current SWG community. We also plan to go out with a bang with a galaxy-ending in-game event in December and hope to see you all there. The details relating to these offers and events as well as the timeline and specifics regarding the discontinuation of the service, are provided below.

Again, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our player community for making SWG one of the best online communities in gaming history.

Sony Online Entertainment & LucasArts

It's also important to note that they are also killing off the trading card game that I guess was associated with this. Makes you wonder if they are going to make a trading card game for SWTOR like that of Blizzard's World of Warcraft. Loot cards and all that jazz occassionally in the packs. I've never liked wasting money on stuff like that but some people really seem to dig the idea. More power to the collectors out there I suppose.
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Re: Star Wars Galaxies MMO Shutting down in Dec.

Postby Grimblast » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:10 pm

To follow up, it looks like this goes a little further. A matter of licensing and the fact they know most of their community will move to the bigger newer thing. It has sparked some nerd rage. Some users going as far as filing lawsuits. That's very absurd.
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Re: Star Wars Galaxies MMO Shutting down in Dec.

Postby Zancarius » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:43 pm

It is an absolute outrage! A crime! How dare Hostess halt production of the Supreme Strawberry-Banana-Bacon Twinkies! I don't care if there's a measly ten people out of the nearly seven billion that inhabit this Earth who would even bother munching down something of such joyously disgusting flavor! This is class action lawsuit material people. How dare a company choose what products they will or will not sell! How dare a company choose what products they will or will not support. id Software should still be offering support for Doom, Doom ][, and Commander Keen! 3D Realms should still be offering support for Duke Nuk... oh. Right.

Well, you get the idea. That's basically what this boils down to: Some idiots feel that they've been stripped of their Constitutional rights because their favorite game will be shutting down (big deal).

Bring on the Strawberry-Banana-Bacon Twinkies.
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Re: Star Wars Galaxies MMO Shutting down in Dec.

Postby MaxRile » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:40 am

wow this is why the word was invented/made
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