Well... Not that i play anymore (although i'm currently sitting in front of a new computer [it was free], and i was thinking that once i get it on the net, i might drop in), here goes anyway.
So i posted my setup in a thread not long ago, so you can probably tell that i enjoy videogames. I guess you could say i was brought up on them, back when my dad bought me a gameboy with metroid II, and my Sega Mastersystem. Well... It began before that, with my uncle taking me to the arcades and letting me play cool games like Speedball 2 and Monkey Island (floppy disk version

) on his computer.
Even though i love gaming, i do have to find time for it.
I spend a lot of time with my girlfriend, it takes me 35 - 45 minutes to get to her house by driving, but it's so worth it. We were planning on moving out together this year, but we are both contemplating career changes. She's a qualified Vet Nurse, and i'm just your average Scaffolder. Even though i do enjoy working high up and without handrails while building, i'm kind of getting over the hard labour involved.
I also play cricket... You guys know that sport yeah? The one where you have a hard leather ball hurled at you at over 100 kmp/h... Yeah, well it's good fun, and the social side of it at the local club is great.
What else.... I enjoy a good drink with mates, whether it's when we go out, or just around at someones house... I love going to concerts... I used to smoke, but i've quit... Which is hard, but i'm getting through..
Also, Vegemite rocks your socks off.... inthebuttinthebuttinthebutt
P.S. I'm 23