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Happy Law Day, US Goons

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Happy Law Day, US Goons

Postby Zancarius » Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:04 pm

(For the rest of the world, happy May Day.)
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Re: Happy Law Day, US Goons

Postby Gnomegrenade » Sun May 01, 2011 6:57 am

Long before President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared it, May 1st was May Day. A day to remember the struggles of workers who were killed or oppressed in their fight for better wages and working conditions.

Hummmm.....interesting. Wonder what kind of effect this day will have in Wisconsin and other states?

Probably nothing. It's Sunday. :?
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Re: Happy Law Day, US Goons

Postby Zancarius » Sun May 01, 2011 2:46 pm

To be fair, unionized state teachers are a far cry from 10-15 year olds who were forced to work in coal mines and often lost life or limb and seldom lived to see their 20s, regardless of the comparisons contemporary media may have made. No matter how bad things may seem to us today, they were far worse 100+ years ago.

Aside: May Day/International Worker's Day is prized among Communists, although their demonstrations are often fairly hilarious like this one. I'm not sure why they didn't use Marx or Lenin instead; either of whom would have been less vitriolic and more legitimately tied to a sort of workers revolution. (But then, demonstrators tend not to be the brightest.)
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