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Let's Go Fishing Guild Fishing Contest!

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Re: Let's Go Fishing Guild Fishing Contest!

Postby Grimblast » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:38 am

I've been dealing with house issues and really haven't had much time to do anything else. All we can do for these things is try to drum up interest. As it stands, I'm sure those that are online usually are leveling/gearing/goofing off. Doing whatever makes the game fun to them. It can be discouraging when no one participates and boy do I know it. Hopefully someone submitted fish. I have fish but chose not to be part of the contest since I'm sure others have more need of the gold than I do. Maybe if gold doesn't interest members, maybe we can get items as prizes instead. We have a few crafters that might be able to reserve orbs for crafting an item of their choice.

Creating a poll on this subject may not be a bad idea but again, we gotta get people into the forums. A lot of the newbies haven't shown up here/registered. Me thinks a grind campaign to drum up forum participation is in order again! *cracks whip*
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Re: Let's Go Fishing Guild Fishing Contest!

Postby Zancarius » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:45 am

Yeah, I think polling for interest next time might be a good idea to get an idea of how many people would be interested or have the capability. I noticed that Jar's been gone and HG has been stupidly busy. That's probably part of it!

At any rate, it wouldn't hurt to discuss a possible contest a week or two in advance next time and get an idea of people's schedules. I still think the idea is fantastic and wish that we had done something like that before I quit playing as I would've been interested in helping out with organizing it.

Like Turus said: Don't be discouraged! Judging by the posts, I'd say lots of people were away/busy/distracted. It's still only about what? 2.3-2.5 months into the new expansion?
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Re: Let's Go Fishing Guild Fishing Contest!

Postby Highgrade » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:10 pm

Summer is a great time as even old carts like me are in school lol
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Re: Let's Go Fishing Guild Fishing Contest!

Postby Killemal » Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:42 am

Congratz to Jargath, the winner of the first guild fishing contest!

Better luck next time to everyone else!
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