Killemal wrote:And that's exactly how far I made it last night before I said OH HELL NO and went and hid under my covers with every light in the house on.

I got to that part after playing it off and on about 3-4 months ago (whenever it was first released).
I have not touched it since, because that level scared the living tar out of me to the point that I'm not sure I really want to wrack my brain figuring out how to keep the gate up while running from... that... thing...
But yeah, I kinda did that, too. Normally I go to my bathroom in the dark before bed, turning the light on only once I'm there to do my thing. That night, I had turned on about 5 lights all the way there and left them on.
It's a
really amazingly well done game. HG: You should totally get it.
The bonus fear factor comes from the fact that you can't actually fight anything. You have to hide--or run. And, as you can see from the video, most things run faster than you, so running doesn't usually work.