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A look back on the "nobodies" of society

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A look back on the "nobodies" of society

Postby Sonikku » Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:56 am ... d=2208309n

I once believed when I was growing up that I would never "stoop" to working such jobs. I was too naive to believe the only ones ever handing out fries were people that lacked either intelligence, or ability. Then I got into the real world... Millions of Americans get there start in places like that. There is no shame in it. But it is a sad truth of our society that reflects poorly on all of us as human beings when those in such positions can be so easily dismissed.
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Postby Aigle » Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:43 pm

Even to this day I have never worked in the food industry, nor will I ever. I made a vow to myself that I would never work in food. So far, in twenty two years, I've accomplished that :)

Now, retail. Eh. Four years at Staples, six months at TJMaxx. Does that count for putting in my time? =P
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Postby Grimblast » Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:16 am

I was part of a cleanup crew for a meatroom for 1.5 years. Enough torture for me. Thankfully it helped out my college education and then some :)

And the bleach smell isn't in my hands anymore ;)
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