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@Lith - Some memories (Pic warning)

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@Lith - Some memories (Pic warning)

Postby Zancarius » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:35 pm

Apologies for the load time, but this is something I've been meaning to do for a while. Attached is a collection of random screenshots, some dating back to 2006 or so. This will be in multiple posts.

There's a lot of pictures, so please be patient. It's worth it, I promise. They've been reduced in quality slightly from the originals to save on space (and bandwidth), but since they're still full size, it will take quite some time for you to load all of them, particularly if you're on a slow connection.

Who Jumped First
Who jumped first?
who-jumped-first.jpg (158.08 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

Ultimately, I don't think the question was ever answered.

The back story is that we found a chimney just outside of Scholo after doing a 5 man. Someone decided to jump. So, we all followed suit like the good little lemmings we were. It was funny until we realized we couldn't get out. So we started to hearth.

Then someone said "Hey, Turus is here. We could just portal out..."

Yeah, we were doubly smart that night.

Listening to a Tale
Listening to a Tale
listening-to-a-tale.jpg (109.01 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

...surrounded by the beautiful scenery that is Scholomance.

Watching the Dance Instructor
Watching the Dance Instructor
watching-the-dance-instructor.jpg (106.89 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

Until the dance instructor took over.

Awkward Moments in Resurrection
Awkward Moments in Resurrection
resurrection-awkward-moments.jpg (160.78 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

This one speaks for itself.

Camel Toe
Camel Toe
camel.jpg (67.66 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

Lith mentioned noticing something peculiar about this outfit. I promptly took a screenshot.

There's plenty more.
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Re: @Lith - Some memories (Pic warning)

Postby Zancarius » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:39 pm

Speaking of adventures in Scholomance...

Once upon a time, pre-BC, Lith and I ventured into Scholo with his priest and my druid. We two-manned the first two rooms of it. The best part was that neither of us had particularly good gear. My druid had mostly blues and greens. Lith's priest had blues and greens. I think the only purple was the headpiece Lith had at the time, and being as it was tier 1, it wasn't much better than most of the blues available at the time. In fact, being that it was tier 1, it was probably endowed with worse stats than most blues.

I should also note that the only reason we stopped after the first two rooms was because the going was slow, it was late, and we were already beyond punch drunk after duoing Kirtinos (the Freshmaker--sorry, bad Mentos pun).

Hilariously, the overwhelming majority of the DPS was from Lithium's priest. He was also healing. This was well before any of the patches that boosted druids' threat and outward damage. Skill often trumps gear. But then, that's exactly what you guys have been saying all these years.

Jack be Nimble, Jack be Quick, Jack Fell Down and broke his... leg
Jack be Nimble
jack-be-nimble.jpg (82.04 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

It's our candle stick now, you ghosties.

Lithium Conquers the Blood Steward
flex.jpg (144.74 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
bear-necessities.jpg (167.95 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

Nothin' but the bear necessities. This shows you the early progress we were making.
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Re: @Lith - Some memories (Pic warning)

Postby Zancarius » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:46 pm

Lith, Sno, and I once wandered into the forbidden realm that was Mount Hyjal before they fixed the terrain exploit. Lith feared us through the invisible barrier, then I had to fear his priest (very carefully) to get her through as well so he could guide us around.

The Big Skull
The Big Skull
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desserted.jpg (65.49 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

It's lonely out here. I also can't spell as you can tell by the file name.

A Bridge Too Far
A Bridge Too Far
a-bridge-too-far.jpg (101.58 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

Lith and I got ahead of the stragglers and had to wait for about 5-10 minutes. I'm not sure where Sno was; I think he was off practicing with his slow fall. The other two people we had along got lost.

Some things never change.

Bow to the Holy Priest
Bow to the Holy Priest
bow-to-the-holy-priest.jpg (55.63 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

They don't call it "holy fire" for nothin'.

Corpse Cheer
Corpse Cheer
corpse-cheer.jpg (44.69 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

I had forgotten how hilarious this stupid screenshot was. It was impromptu which made it even better.


A Construction Portrait
A Construction Portrait
a-construction-portrait.jpg (116.3 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

Under construction.
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Re: @Lith - Some memories (Pic warning)

Postby Zancarius » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:54 pm

And here's a random assortment of various things that probably fit somewhere above, but I honestly don't know where that would be.

Dire Maul
Dire Maul
dire-maul.jpg (83.17 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

I believe Alacor lost his connection during this run and was found plowing into a stone wall until the server reset his client.

This is also one of the rare sightings of Aigle along with us. I'm not sure how she managed to find a terrain glitch halfway up the wall.

Pitching a Tent
Pitching a Tent
pitching-a-tent.jpg (68.44 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

We pitched a tent. No, I have no idea where it was either. It was probably in the Blasted Lands.

Ready the Eye
Ready the Eye
ready-the-eye.jpg (170.11 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

This one requires some back story, but first examine the next picture:

Not quite what started the meme, but...
inthebutt.jpg (205.24 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

Okay, so. Here it is.

Once upon a time during an AV turtle (Alliance-side was turtling, and the Horde assault just sucked), we discovered that we could demoralize the enemy with an unexpected enema. I'd summon my eye of kilrogg, Lith would pop his mind vision on it, he'd point out targets, and I would, erm, do them. We must have done this (emphasis on "done") for at least a good half hour before the Horde finally killed our general.

They never did find us, though. I suppose you could say they were "sore asses" over the whole thing.

We also laughed insanely hard over TeamSpeak to the point that neither of us could breathe. The priest in the second picture spent the rest of the match with a hunter (not pictured) looking for us, because he was so humiliated by what the eye was doing to him.

Take 'em Together
Take 'em Together
take-them-together.jpg (205.21 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

This is one of the few shots I have of Lithium and Thal getting ready to unleash a beating on an already-suspecting-cultist.

There's also some commentary from Elade in here. And shameless flirting. (By which, of course, I mean turning things into pigs. You know--Deliverance style.)
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Re: @Lith - Some memories (Pic warning)

Postby Zancarius » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:57 pm

Then, late one night, we discovered that the guards responded to emotes in Ironforge.

You can only imagine what ensued. I won't caption these, because it's better left unadulterated. Lithium and Vest were playing as the guards.

guards_03.png (249.42 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

guards_06.jpg (35.35 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

guards_07.jpg (34.12 KiB) Viewed 2736 times
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Re: @Lith - Some memories (Pic warning)

Postby Zancarius » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:01 pm

I'm terrible at saying goodbyes. Since I found this in my screenshot repository, I think it might do OK. They say pictures are worth a thousand words, and for some weird reason--by some strange stroke of fate--the shot I took of Lith's priest not only adheres to that old adage, but I think it is amongst the most chilling ones I have ever taken. Perhaps more so now than ever before.

twilight.jpg (62.78 KiB) Viewed 2736 times

I'll leave this up to your interpretation, whatever it may be.
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