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Tell me im wrong

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Tell me im wrong

Postby MaxRile » Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:03 pm

Ok Ok i have to tell this story alil before i start pointing a finger and wile i have the chat log still fresh on my screen...

Alarune of Saurfang a rogue

Ok were in AN (Azjol Nerub) we down the fist boss get to the adds/ event leading to the Spider boss. The healer asks if we can glich it well sense theres a Rogue in the group and well hes been pretty much pushing me to tank faster and faster but any how... guy is just standing there i wait a 2 secs then i start counting down from 3..2..1 and i pull the first pack of mobs and i see him follow me in thinking oh well he doesnt know what it is, thats ok normaly way it is....Nooooo. Guy Runs past me pops his cool downs and starts sprinting down the hallway at the point im like WTF really. He gets rooted not 3 yards from the big opening at the end and already has 4-5 mobs on him and the healer doesnt know what to do so she follows the rogue >.< so im pulling mobs off the healer off the dumb rogue and trying to hold what i have agaist the other 2 dps wile im running around.. Rogue Dies healer doesnt live very much longer after that with more adds pileing on no way i could keep them all off her and everyone else and get us out of there alive. So we all die... no it gets much better. I ask the rogue what was that? Thinking he mite answer back that hes gliched or lagging and ill be on my marry way... lol fuck no! Dude meant to do it starts explaning to me how it would works and the concepts behind it. I flat out told the dude why didnt you just Glich it like any other normal person would and just vanish and save your cool downs for when you really need them. lol he shut up after this point and after everything was all said and done dude QQed me one last time telling me and i Quote.

"you cant make that judgement, since you haven't trialed it. you have a bias opinion seince you havent tried it..learn to play and understand mechanices douche"

You all tell me was i really a douche for pointing out there could be an easier way
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Re: Tell me im wrong

Postby Zancarius » Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:35 pm

Don't judge me! The hammer might be making my head bleed, but I swear I'm talking to Cthulu himself! You just don't understand the mechanics of head injuries...
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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