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December 7th - Cataday.

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December 7th - Cataday.

Postby Killemal » Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:28 am

With the Cataclysm launch date looming closer, I was wondering what plans our Guildies might be having for launch day. Are you taking the day off to survey the destruction? Going to wait until the server glitches get ironed out before logging in after the sundering? Not really sure what Cataclysm is, but you're a dog person anyway (not a worgen reference)?

I think I'm taking the 7th off, but that's just me. I should be on at 12:01am PST when the servers go live with Cata, happily switching between lighting heads on fire with Sinthea and leveling my worgen rogue Comegente.
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Re: December 7th - Cataday.

Postby Gnomegrenade » Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:04 pm

If it's anything like BC was when it released, I'll prolly avoid the new content until things settle down.

I am expecting alot of server glitches along with other players ninja'ing the crap out of everyone on quest items.

But I'll play it by ear.
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Re: December 7th - Cataday.

Postby Zancarius » Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:47 am

Gnomegrenade wrote:If it's anything like BC was when it released, I'll prolly avoid the new content until things settle down.

I am expecting alot of server glitches along with other players ninja'ing the crap out of everyone on quest items.

But I'll play it by ear.

^-- That's definitely the smartest thing to do for any expansion. If it's like any of the previous, it'll be a nightmare for the first week or two.

Personally, I'm still on the fence right now as to whether or not I'm going to get Cata. I've been so busy with RL stuff that I haven't had a huge chance to fire up WoW or anything else! You likely won't see me on 'til late December/early next year if I do get it, though.
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Re: December 7th - Cataday.

Postby Grimblast » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:30 am

My collectors will arrive later that day I'm sure so I may try to pop on but given the history of their server stability and release days, I'm sure things will get dicey to some degree.
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