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Making a tanking information site

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Making a tanking information site

Postby Grimblast » Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:02 am

After some joking around and interest in buying yet another domain name, Thal sort of convinced me to register, thats right, Currently I'm working on a design and I need to point it away from the place holder DNS servers(they get no free advertising from me!). I'm going to turn the site into a tanking information site to make it easier to find information on tanking theory for the various classes in WOW. I may ask some of you tank players for some information or an article or 2 on tanking with your class. The site probably won't be in full swing until Cata comes out though since we won't have much for gearing advice until we see what the gear is like going into raid content.

Hopefully the site will be useful since its a pain in the butt to find good tanking info out on the internet right now. I'd like the info to be centralized and easy to locate. Apparently that's something most tank sites seem to lack. But now I'm rambling and need to get back to work. If you have any interest in this sort of thing, please post away!
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Killemal » Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:56 am

Very nice, Turus.

Unfortunately my only tanking experience is with Shoop, and we all know how much fun that is! I hope that at some point I know enough about the tank classes to write you some articles, but I'm afraid that's still a LONG way off.

Good luck!
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Tirian » Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:09 am

Great idea. Since I came late to tanking only in the past six months, it seems to me like a lot of the older tanking sites -- especially sites that were specifically based on tanking, not on a particular class -- have faded or really given over to advertisements.
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Grimblast » Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:10 am

No biggy. I've been thinking about doing this kind of website for some time since most good tanking sites are going away due to no upkeep or people leaving WOW and so on. I'm an information pack rat and websites when done right prove to be great archival tools as long as the game played is still in existence. I figure the majority of the info that will get posted will be after Cataclysm so there's no big rush to get a bunch of info for everything just yet.
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Tirian » Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:13 am

I don't know if you want suggestions, but here's one if you want it from my limited experience. A lot of the tanking sites I had been reading didn't make it completely clear what patch era they were written. Might be useful to put that on the first line of every article -- nice to keep an archive, and at the same time always know what's up to date.
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Grimblast » Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:30 am

Yep I hear ya and not a bad suggestion. I'm sure I can make that part of the articles themselves. I might take the easy way out on some of the formatting and use a word press styled site with some tweaks to fit what I want. We shall see though. Still jotting notes down.
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Zancarius » Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:40 am

One thing that's possible would be to write a quick-and-dirty WordPress plugin that takes some information from the key/value metadata (it's at the bottom of the posting area when you go to make a new post) and enter in a patch number there. Then it could display some stylized version data along with the post like PATCH 4.0.3 or whatever.

Granted, that wouldn't be super user-friendly, but it'd be pretty quick and easy to write. I haven't done WordPress plugins in forever, but I bet I could whip one out in an hour or two.
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Gnomegrenade » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:56 pm

"". Simply beautiful!

Aalammer is a main spec'd tank but I switched to DPS within the past couple of months. Lost the appetite and I'm not thrilled with warriors in the tank spot anymore. Grabbing and holding aggro on multiple mobs is tough and I've only seen a few that have it down to a fine art.

I think it's a great idea and hope to be able to provide any input/suggestions.

Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Grimblast » Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:50 pm

That's sort of what attracted me to tanking in the first place. Warriors had to work hard to keep aggro for years leading up to WOTLK. Now, its back to square one and I embrace the changes as I've done in the past. Once again, we have to work to hold that aggro on the mobs and the tanking process is 2 fold again. This means DPS needs to pay closer attention due to the way the threat system is and not go hog wild on random targets. This isn't too much of an issue now but next expansion, I expect a lot of grief in 5 mans. There will be deaths and people will have to cool their jets. There is no hurry in 5 mans when you are expected to use crowd control and the works. But no need to worry about it right now until Cataclysm comes out.

I think with guild groups, we can have anyone tank. We have the patience and understanding for many things so guildies will be able to get the practice and pointers they want if they want to tank or get back into tanking. As I've said before, tanking can be a very rewarding experience or a depressing one.
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Highgrade » Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:10 pm

HG thunderclap!
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Gnomegrenade » Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:20 pm

Believe me..I love the HELL out of tanking. It is quite possibly the best place to be while on some epic mob.

Who else can say..."Yea..I tanked that bitch"??!!!

But the ranged DPS need to know their roles and focus on the tank and not in La-La Land blasting everything and anything with AOE's. Tough to hold aggro and hate getting hammered for not doing so.

That's been my only problem in this game.

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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Tirian » Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:53 pm

I hear you man. That's why my plan to earn all my heirlooms by tanking failed... chain heroics with pugs just weren't fun.
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Zancarius » Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:58 pm

Tirian wrote:I hear you man. That's why my plan to earn all my heirlooms by tanking failed... chain heroics with pugs just weren't fun.

It especially doesn't help when the DPS boots the tank because the tank isn't pulling fast enough (seriously?). Although, there is something karmaic about that: If you're the tank and they boot you, your next queue is instantaneous. DPS has to wait 20-30 minutes for gratification. While they may feel they've ousted you, they've ultimately hurt themselves more.

But yeah, I know exactly where you're coming from. The tanks receive a great deal of abuse and not just verbally.

Fortunately, most nearly all pugged in individuals are from different realms, so you can be as big a jerk as you like to them. You'll probably never see 'em again. 'Course, I'm sure that's how they justify their actions, too, so it's something of a double-edged sword.

I really like this idea of Turus', though. If it's true that a lot of those informational sites are basically closing their doors, now is as good a time as any to let someone else pick up the torch.
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Tirian » Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:51 pm

So, shadowmeld works to drop aggro in tanking I hear? Is that right? Because if so, I may have decided the race of my warrior.

I've been debating race assignments for my warrior and rogue.
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Re: Making a tanking information site

Postby Zancarius » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:59 pm

This totally sucks, but I couldn't help it:

nes-logo-small.png (2.31 KiB) Viewed 6190 times

And an SVG for great justice.

Edit: Attached transparent version originally excluded because the detail doesn't show up well on light backgrounds.

Edit edit: Fixed a rendering issue brought to you by the letter "A."
rect4640-small.png (1.01 KiB) Viewed 6190 times
(25.49 KiB) Downloaded 464 times
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