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WOW lockups in instances

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WOW lockups in instances

Postby Grimblast » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:45 am

So, after getting fed up with lock ups happening nonstop over the past few days, I decided to do some research and found this interesting blue post this morning. Here's a quote of the blue post:

Good Morning Folks!

So, there are reported issues with the Hallows End Boss. Some are a misunderstanding in how the new system works with points, others are an issue related to the cog-wheel issue that's been previously observed in BGs.

Unable to load in, or WoW exiting upon arrival in the instance.

This could be a number of things, many cases may be related to the cog-wheel issue that is already known.

I'd recommend everyone reload their UI, just in case. If it's the cog-wheel issue - avoiding mousing over is one way to avoid it happening. Our developers are still looking into that issue.

To do a full and proper reset UI....

Q u o t e:
To do a full reset UI, you will want to save your addons in another spot if you wish to preserve them.
Then rename/delete or move your WTF, Cache and Interface folders while WoW is shutdown. Reboot your system.
Note, if you are running Vista make sure your permissions are set so it does not undo your changes.
More detailed instructions for different operating systems, including Macs are here. ... geNumber=1

This sort of explains why Occulus locked up for me the other day since there is a cogwheel click option at the beginning when you get in as well as other lockups in instances when I load in thanks to other cogwheel related devices(mage tables, lock stones, portals, etc). I will be trying this UI reset she refers to in there as well as another suggestion I came across. Some have reported success by unchecking the 'hardware cursor' setting. I'm going to have to experiment and find out what works for me if anything but its at least something until Blizzard fixes it. Their dev's are working on it!
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Re: WOW lockups in instances

Postby Zancarius » Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:14 am

Translation: Try to avoid mousing over widgets that otherwise are supposed to work but we broke and don't know how to fix.

Fortunately for me, I just need to get one of those stupid helms for my Hallow's End deal (I think).
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Re: WOW lockups in instances

Postby Grimblast » Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:02 am

I think their "Let the dps click it" line was funny! Nothing like a sacrifice to the widget to get us through some content! :lol:
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Re: WOW lockups in instances

Postby Killemal » Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:58 am

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Re: WOW lockups in instances

Postby Tirian » Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:28 pm

/agree Killemall
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