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Blizzcon Next Week

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Blizzcon Next Week

Postby Grimblast » Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:29 am

So, I will be going to Blizzcon next week and I will hit up the Q/A panels that they have for World of Warcraft and Diablo 3. I'm curious if you have any questions you would like an answer for. Post your questions down below and for each panel I can get to, I'll see if I can ask the question for you and see what answer they give. I believe we only get to ask one question and then have to go to the back of the line or whatever so I'll see what questions you all have and I'll pick the ones that seem the best. I'll let everyone know which ones I pick so if you happen to get the direct ticket to watch the events, you might get to see me ask your question.

If you are curious about what times to catch the Q/A stuff, here is a link to the Blizzcon Schedule of their daily events!
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Re: Blizzcon Next Week

Postby Killemal » Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:20 pm

When will mechanical riding squirrels be implemented?

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Re: Blizzcon Next Week

Postby MaxRile » Fri Oct 15, 2010 6:15 am

What was the idea behind Thorns being Nerfed?
------"we wanted to give each class its own unique buff and we didnt see thorns in the Bla bla picture"

From my understanding to start off with Thorns was a druid only buff to help with tanking and threat kind of like a so called sudo ret ability?
------?it was at first we wanted to make it to where you Didnt Need! it to tank?

Now its purely situational i knocks you out of bear form when cast it doesnt last long pre casted and its strikes a GC when a healer uses on a tank, to me ive pulled threat with it a few times at the start of pulls trying to find the corret time to maximize the usefulness of this spell b/c i really did like it pre patch and i would hate to see it go unused now.
------( )------- what im intristed in

someone correct me if im being retarded!?!
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Re: Blizzcon Next Week

Postby Gnomegrenade » Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:12 am

I'd like to know if there are any intentions on changing the perma-ghoul for DK's.

I believe the pet should focus on what I'm fighting and not ever run off when another mob hits them.
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Re: Blizzcon Next Week

Postby Zancarius » Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:31 am

Gnomegrenade wrote:I'd like to know if there are any intentions on changing the perma-ghoul for DK's.

I believe the pet should focus on what I'm fighting and not ever run off when another mob hits them.

Does that occur even when they're on passive?

Given the drama in the SGA, I'd be inclined to ask Blizzard directly how they're expecting to encourage small guilds and avoid significant mergers over silly perks--but I think we already know the answer to that. After all, I'm pretty sure I read that all guilds can get them, it's just a matter of how long it takes.

Another possibility would be to ask them if they intend to have cross-game guilds using real ID or some mechanism therein. e.g. if members of, say, our guild buy StarCraft II or Diablo III, do they have any plans to extend guilds into those games so that no matter what Blizzard game someone happens to play, they can still interact with their own guild (that originated with WoW). They did extend guild chat to smart phones, so I know the API is there...
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Re: Blizzcon Next Week

Postby Gnomegrenade » Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:43 pm

On passive, the pet does nothing. Only when defencive/guarding the DK. It's cool when/if I'm AFK, but while fighting a mob someplace, should another mob AOE or shoot at me, it runs off.

For example, if I'm assisting the MT or OT on a mob, and another mob hit/shoots at me, will my pet run off and attack it.

In my opinion, it shoud not, but stay on the mob that I'm/or the MT/OT is on.

Again, I appreciate you going to BLIZZCON and hope you can get some insight on anything/everything.

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