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Claptrap DLC

Whether it's obnoxious Claptraps or those darned bandits, everyone wants a piece of the action! Got the game? Let us know! Share your Steam IDs here.
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Claptrap DLC

Postby Zancarius » Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:17 pm

Looks like the Claptrap DLC will be out in a few days (September 28). It comes complete with tinfoil hats.

Just kidding. It does look kinda fun, though.
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Re: Claptrap DLC

Postby MaxRile » Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:22 am

after seeing the posters i dont know if i should be scared or not another Fidel Clap El-Trap-o LOL

my attempt at bad humor
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Re: Claptrap DLC

Postby Zancarius » Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:40 am

Chi Claptrapvera.

I always knew those robots were a bunch of commies.
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Re: Claptrap DLC

Postby Zancarius » Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:26 pm

Looks like a few of us have the DLC. If you don't and you don't have Borderlands, get it! Or better yet: Wait 'til Cyber Monday. Valve usually puts up a crap ton of stuff for sale. The last time Borderlands DLC went on sale, everything was about $3. You can't even get a decent meal at McDonald's for $3 these days! So stay home, fix dinner (instead of buying), and buy some DLC when it's on sale!
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Re: Claptrap DLC

Postby Grimblast » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:29 am

I just finished the DLC for the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned. That shit was awesome. Longer than I expected so the DLC was really worth it. I hope to party up for the last 2 DLC's though since they are supposed to be way harder than dealing with the undead. *ejects shell from shotgun*
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Re: Claptrap DLC

Postby Zancarius » Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:11 am

Secret Armory is probably 3-4 times longer than Zombie Island (I don't know for sure, as I think I'm only halfway through it and stopped playing), and I believe the claptrap DLC is approximately as long. Zombie Island was supposed to be a total of 50 missions which isn't much. Knoxx/Claptrap are probably ~120-180.

But, short as the Zombie Island is, it's probably one of the most hilarious DLCs. You can't go wrong with cell shaded zombies.
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Re: Claptrap DLC

Postby Grimblast » Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:34 pm

And doing it with an explosive element shotgun. Mmm, zombie gibs and brains everywhere!
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