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Sunday 10AM achievement run ideas

Instance and raid scheduling.

Sunday 10AM achievement run ideas

Postby Grimblast » Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:16 pm

Ok, so after the grueling LK fight, I was thinking we could loosen up a little bit and in place of what we were doing Sunday mornings, we could aim for some lingering raid achievements. I heard some still need Naxrammas, old world raids, and other miscellaneous stuff. I'm game for whatever yall want to do. I will fill the raid with the last grouping of people we had this past Sunday and then fill in missing spots with everything else that's left. I just need to know what we need so we can make a push to get the achievements knocked out.

Nax wouldn't be a bad deal since we are missing some of the boss meta achievements there(Safety dance >.<) and a few other not so bad ones. Lots to do in Ulduar and the old world raid bosses too. I've also been tossing the idea around for just hitting trade chat, build a sizable raid, and finish off some horde leaders while we are thinking raid achievements.
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Re: Sunday 10AM achievement run ideas

Postby Killemal » Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:18 pm

I'll be out for basically the next 2 weekends and probably the weekend after that. Booooo....
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