Killemal wrote:So... any comments or questions?
Keybind, keybind, keybind, keybind.

- keybind-keybind-keybind-keybind.png (315.58 KiB) Viewed 3842 times
Don't bother reading the rest of this if you don't like the idea of keybinding. This is just general advice from someone who transitioned to keybinding as his primary playstyle back in late 2005/early 2006. It's not suitable for everyone. If you tend to play many FPS games, you might find keybinding to be much easier after a (brief) readjustment phase.
Keybinding looks ominous at first, but the net result is a faster attack cycle than you'd otherwise have with clicking (even for casters). The best approach is to use the keygroup immediately surrounding your movement keys and may require rebinding things like your social menu and so forth. (I'm left-handed and my movement keygroup consists of JKIL which should explain the key selection.) Though, as a word of warning, it
does take a while to adjust to keybindings versus clicking--a period which can take up to two weeks. The results are much more worthwhile, though. It becomes significantly harder to return to clicking once you have adjusted.
Don't forget you can use modifiers, too. Several of my own bindings are comprised of shift+key, alt+key, and so forth.
And yes, I use these keybinds even while healing, though my main heals have always been bound to VuhDo (as in the case of the VDW encounter, you cannot use VuhDo unless you have a private tank set up--which you can't make changes to while in combat--so it's easier to target the dragon and just use the keyboard shortcuts while clicking on partymembers to heal them). Certain "uh oh!" buttons, like that for Nature's Swiftness, are bound to easy to reach keys like "\" since they need to be pressed while in a hurry.
Though, again, I have made several changes for being a southpaw. My tab key (for tab targeting) is my backspace key, for instance. In your particular case, you could use Q, E, R, T, F, G, and many other keys that are easily reachable while remapping health bars from V to something else which would gain you another key to use for abilities. Experiment!
Oh, and if you ever do adopt keybinding, you may find that it's worthwhile to keep certain classifications of spells between multiple characters. It sounds a little ridiculous at first, but my reasoning is that it helps the brain associating specific activities with specific actions further reducing the learning curve when switching between characters. To illustrate, U is my universal "slow" keybind: earthbind on the shaman, hamstring on the warrior, curse of exhaustion (when I played an affliction warlock), and so forth. But be aware that
redoing a keybind after using this system for several months can be detrimental to your ability to play. Once you've adjusted to a new style, moving a spell to another binding can take just as long to adjust to as transitioning from clicking to keying!
That's my $0.02.