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ALL badges/currencies going under 4.0.1 conversion

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ALL badges/currencies going under 4.0.1 conversion

Postby Tirian » Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:55 am ... #continued

This is pretty big news. I'm *really* wondering how this is going to affect purchases of current heirloom, triumph and frost items. I'm guessing that, for the meantime, frost gear is actually going to become easier to access since there will no longer be a limit to how fast we can earn it, since current triumph and frost encounters will both provide the new justice points. Personally, I'm not going to buy any more heirlooms, T9 or T10 till we hear what the conversions will be in the next patch.

Arbitrage, kids! Watch for the conversion titles so we can decide when to dump our currencies -- now, in 4.0.1, or in the patch after that.

And just remember, "In Soviet Azeroth, currency converts you!"
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Postby Gnomegrenade » Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:34 pm

"While we previously announced that there's a limit to the amount of these new currencies you can stockpile, we're providing a grace period in the form of a soft cap. This soft cap will allow the initial conversion to push the amount owned over the cap, but will not allow any further points to be earned (or returned through item refunds) until enough points are spent to put you below the hard cap.

For instance, a player has 3000 Emblems of Triumph, and 1200 Emblems of Frost; at the time of conversion they'll be given 4200 Justice Points. The hard cap for Justice Points is 4000, so that player won't be able to earn any more Justice Points until he or she spends enough points to reduce the total to under 4000. This also applies to the new PvP Honor Points, which also have a cap of 4000

So is this the "Cap and Trade" I've been hearing about in the news?

I sure hope not.
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Postby Zancarius » Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:24 pm

Oh man, a limit of 4000 PvP honor points?! I wonder if they're going to be adjusting the cost of PvP items downwards when they release the patch--if not, so much for that!

Gnomegrenade wrote:So is this the "Cap and Trade" I've been hearing about in the news?

I sure hope not.

Hahahahah okay, that's hilarious!
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