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I'm going to be Insane!

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I'm going to be Insane!

Postby Grimblast » Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:32 pm

I've begun to gather materials to get the Insane title. I will be accepting donations for the following items and any help is appreciated! I'm listing quantities so you understand how hard this achievement really is to solo.

    1500 Heavy Junk Boxes(pickpocketed from mobs at Tyrs Hand in EPL)
    81 Pristine Black Diamonds(drops from level 60 instances, very low drop chance)
    200 Large brilliant shards(vanilla wow uber enchanting reagent. Easy to farm up but if you have any spares, I can take them off your hands!)
    completed card decks(low level decks work too but don't give as much rep as the burning crusade completed decks, darkmoon fair rep oh boy. Inscriptionists, I'm willing to get you materials from BC content and what not get decks made through your skills.)
    84 total of any variety of the Librams of Focus, Protection, Rapidity(they are all unique and come from Dire Maul.)

I figure I'd give insanity a chance and with some help the grind may not be too bad. If any can help, please let me know!
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Postby Jargath » Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:27 pm

I'm doing the same Insane thing as well on Charbon. I'm hoping to get her leveled to 80 soon as possible. Of course Cat will be a distraction I'm sure.
I've done the Loremaster thing twice as well as the Salty thing. Insane will be a challenge, but will be that toon's goal.
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