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More info on Guild Achievements/Leveling

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More info on Guild Achievements/Leveling

Postby Grimblast » Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:03 am

Well, it appears some of our achievement hard work may not go towards credit for us next expansion after all. With that said, I'm going to quote what I just read from Beware, if you follow that link, there are some spoilers in there.

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Dark Phoenix Mount Reward
The guild rewards you guys are seeing in game are not hooked up yet. Guild rewards have 3 requirements that must be be met before you can use them. First and foremost, they must be unlocked via a guild achievement. Let's just say, that for example, you need to complete the new guild achievement "We are Legendary" in order to unlock the Dark Phoenix. That achievement requires the guild to gain access to all 6 legendary weapons currently available in the game. (note that all guild achievements start on Cataclysm launch, so anything you have now will not matter, it must be done with your guild after launch)

So, let's say that your guild get's this achievement and thereby unlocks the Dark Phoenix on the guild vendor. At this point anyone in the guild can see the item on the vendor, but they will need a specific amount of guild faction to be able to purchase it. In this case, let's say exalted. Now, once you have the guild faction, you can purchase the item for its gold price. (prices will vary based on the reward)

I am using the Dark Phoenix and the We are Legendary guild achievement as examples here but you should get the idea. Don't worry, we wont be handing out all the goodies so easily. =)

Guild Heirlooms
The heirlooms on the guild vendor are just like other heirlooms in the game except that these must be unlocked via a guild achievement and you must have the required guild faction to purchase them. After that, you can use them just like normal heirloom items.

We did have thoughts of making these items guild bound a long time ago but we came to the conclusion that that was just too limiting of a design. Imagine leaving a guild and losing all the guild rewards that you worked so hard to get? Taking items away from players is something that we would like to avoid at all costs. (Source)

Guild Leveling
Guild experience can be earned in any of four ways:

1. Completing quests / daily quests that reward experience
2. Killing any dungeon / raid boss with a guild group/raid
3. Winning a rated battleground with a guild group/raid
4. Earning a guild achievement (these are nice, fat chunks of experience so they feel great when you get em)

A guild group/raid is 4/5, 8/10, 12/15 or 20/25 members of the group/raid being guild members. (Source)

Guild Reputation
Any quest that rewards experience to you will also reward guild experience. The amount of guild reputation earned is based on the amount of guild experience rewarded. Note that daily quests will also reward guild experience.

All guild reputation is gained as a factor of guild experience. (Source)

[...] As I mentioned in the other post, anything that grants guild xp will also grant guild facton. So that means that winning a rated BG with your guild or completing specific guild achievments will reward faction as well as completing quests or killing instance bosses. (Source)

Guilds Q&A (Source)
1.) No matter how hard you work at your own guild rep, even if you farm it like a psyco, can a GM just "Deny" you of the guild rep rewards.
1. GM's have no control over the guild rewards. As long as your guild has unlocked the item via the achievement and you have the required guild rep, you can purchase the item.

2.) Are all the standard guild control functions staying the same? (GBank control, inv and remove settings, ect)
2. Yes, most all of the guild control functions are remaining the same. We are however introducing a new ui for guild ranks that will allow you much more control.

3.) I understand there is going to be an exp cap per day, but as per reward and ability, will this at least be the determining factor that a 10 and 25 guild are not equals. (its an mmo ppl, go make friends)
3. The experience cap is in place to help balance out the experience curve between large and small guilds. We tuned the cap to be be high enough that in most cases, you will never hit it. (when I say most, I mean average size guilds which make up the majority of wow's guilds)

Guild Ranks system overhaul
The entire guild rank system in the process of being overhauled. The new interface for this will be much better and allow you to actually move ranks up and down as well as copy an existing ranks permissions into a new one.

Sorry for the inconvenience on this right now but it will be fixed up in an upcoming build. (Source)

Guild UI
A lot of the UI for the guild advancement system is in progress. The "at war" box will be removed from the guild faction at some point in the future. (Source)

It's nice to know what they have in mind and how we get the experience for the guild and our reputation internally to get the items and what not.
Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
Dililah Turusian - Norn Necromancer ------------ Rahl Braincrusher - Char Mesmer
Star Earthbreaker - Sylvari Elementalist -------- Rylo Preystalker - Char Ranger
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