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Postby Tirian » Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:06 am ... #continued

I think most of this agree with this already. Decent post.
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Postby Grimblast » Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:20 pm

That it is. I always like to think skill trumps gear. He makes some good points involving attitude and drive.
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Postby Zancarius » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:26 pm

When you consider how many people have been gaming gearscore by putting PvP pieces in various slots just to bump their item level up it makes it a useless metric. The only merit gearscore has is to determine if someone is ready for content based upon their gear, and that, by its very nature, implies that you're more reliant on gear making up for potential lack of skill. However, as several comments and the original poster in that article argue, even in spite of the merits of gearscore, it's completely worthless without inspecting the person in question.

It reminds me of the same mindset that is responsible in HR departments worldwide for "scoring" candidates in effort to filter them out based on criteria that has basically nothing to do with the job position in question--largely because HR often doesn't understand the requirements. You can imagine what happens when you lack in-depth interviews or attempt to quantify more important (and much less tangible) things like personality--e.g. will this person get along with the rest of the team? Certainly doing the job right is important, but if someone doesn't play well with others it negates the efforts of looking for someone qualified in the first place! (The personality business should be HR's job, but I'm sure we can all think of examples where that is most certainly not the case.)
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