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Blizzard to force all forum posts to identify by Real ID

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Blizzard to force all forum posts to identify by Real ID

Postby Tirian » Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:11 pm

Summary: ... displayed/
Official thread: ... sid=1#9995

I suggest writing a response.

Oh, I'll be gone for the better part of a week. Happy warring, ya'll.

Edit: Here's what I wrote:

I hate to start off negative, but this particular instance calls for a frank response. This is an awful, horrible idea.

I understand that the trolls, flamers and other idiots have really become a big irritation to more thoughtful players and Blizzard staff. There must be alternatives -- like allowing forum posts only from one character, perhaps the character on the account with the highest level or combination of assets (bank and bag contents + gear + badges, or something).

Forcing the use of real IDs exposes us to identity theft, exposes some individuals with ongoing legal/protective issues to exposure, etc. Personally, I work in a field where I have a public persona, and computer gaming in general receives little respect in my sector. If you force us to use real names on the forums, I will not be able to post in the forums ever again.

Find another alternative Blizzard. This is not the way to fix this issue.
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Postby Zancarius » Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:08 pm

While I agree there are privacy issues involved, the simplest solution is to just not post on the WoW forums. Their content isn't very meaningful anymore. I read through much of that thread when Trekk had linked it to me, and most of the responses are, well, nothing short of a knee-jerk reaction. I stopped posting on our realm forums well over a year ago simply because it's not worthwhile. I suspect that's part of Blizzard's motivation for trying to create a system where players have their identity exposed (by the way, you can change your real name from inside your preferences, so if you want to post as George Bush, by all means go for it). Given the backlash, I don't think this will persist, and I suspect they're going to wind up providing players an option of selecting a unique nickname across all forums. It'll get resolved one way or the other, so don't get too worked up over it.

But again, the best solution? If you don't like it, don't post. You're not missing out. Trust me.

I would also like to add that I disagree somewhat about identity theft. It's much more than a name, and as of 2 years ago, well over 50% of all identity theft reported to the FBI was conducted offline via low tech means. Specifically, people who would throw out mail sent to them with private information and forgetting to destroy or shred it later discovered that their ID was stolen. It's the same for credit cards--you're more likely to have it stolen by someone you've purchased an item for locally than you are to have it stolen via a high-tech attack on specific vendors or banks*. Online ID theft is much more difficult to conduct, and anyone who disagrees needs to consider that virtually all phone books in the US are exposed to the Internet in a searchable, indexable format. If your real name were such a dangerous thing to expose, then someone could simply write an application that trawls phone books for names, searches details on the names, and then comes up with a method of pairing names to other data. You wouldn't even need to have your ID exposed via a game. You'd simply need only a landline.

An additional point to consider--and this goes both ways, for and against--is that a Counter Strike gamer was brutally stabbed by a fellow gamer whom he had killed in-game with a knife. I believe this occurred in France. The point being: Neither of these guys knew each other's real names until the perpetrator went out of his way to search for his victim's name and where he lived. While hiding your real name from fellow gamers minimizes this risk, the basic point is that obfuscation is unlikely to disguise anything from someone who is determined. In that respect, the best course of action is to own a gun. Security experts will tell you: Obfuscation should not be mistaken for true security.

I won't be posting a response because it's mostly a non-issue for me, and there are far too many "me too"-style posts in that thread as it is (>700 pages at the moment or ~7000-8000 posts). The quality of Blizzard's forums have long since degraded into a cesspool of childish antics, so forcing real names upon anyone who opts-in to post there doesn't really bother me. I don't have a Facebook account for the same reason: It's not terribly interesting to me.

* That's not to say this doesn't happen, but it's important to remember that whenever banks are compromised, online credit card theft is an all-or-nothing endeavor: Either you get millions of cards or you get zero. Most of these exposures were the result of oversights or other lapses in security more than they were some elaborate break-in. It's important to remember that there is a huge gap between reality and Hollywood when it comes to "hacking."
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Postby Lithium » Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:24 pm

Basically what Thal said. It's just a cesspit of crybabies. When it comes to getting or giving information on game mechanics, and you just want the specifics without the tears... various non-official WoW sites are the way to go.

It's a shame they're going to display peoples' full names. I thought people were pulling my leg when I heard that. So much for privacy. I think a better way would be to let everyone select a username. Below the username, one could hit a link that displays all their characters. I'm all for outing trolls, but to violate anyone's real-life privacy in the process is a little screwed up.

I mean... now William Shatner can't post on the forums anymore. Lame.
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Postby Grimblast » Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:03 am

I've read some of the responses and even Serenity from Mercenaries may end up quiting the game over the realid stuff(Apparently she was stalked at one time). I did see people are sending stuff to the ESRB about the realID situation that Blizzard has created and will be implementing for the forums. Blizzard may want to explain themselves a little bit more before things get too far out of hand.

All I'm going to say is,"Shits about to get real in here!"
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Postby Snobal » Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:12 am

Turus wrote:All I'm going to say is,"Shits about to get real in here!"

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Postby Grimblast » Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:45 am

Haha, nice one, Snobal!
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Postby Zancarius » Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:33 am

That's hilarious, Sno!

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I really do think they'll wind up doing a unique nickname/screen name type system. My only fear though is that the WoW forums are so far gone insofar as quality (rather: lack of) that nothing they do at this point will really rescue them. Even the class forums are like this. You've got the rogue forums in which everyone whines about the class being essentially worthless in PvP/PvE, you've got the mage/warlock forums where everyone brags about crits, you've got the hunter forums which are effectively quiet, you've got the paladin forums in which every paladin wishes their character were more like a warrior, and then you've got the warrior forums in which every warrior wishes their character were more like a paladin. While you'll occasionally find a rare and useful gem, it's basically like a quote that I have to paraphrase (as I don't remember it entirely): you're picking through piles and piles of crap just for one pristine kernel of corn.

But, never fear: I'm pretty sure they're going to backtrack on this. There's too many people who have gotten so worked up over this, including people who never use the WoW forums. (I think this is partially based on a misunderstanding: Some of them appear to believe that their real name is going to be visible somehow even if they don't use the forums.)
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Postby Grimblast » Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:40 am

Yarp and Yarp! I'm sure Blizzard will explain the change more once it happens.
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Postby Snobal » Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:03 am

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Postby Tirian » Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:41 am

The Morhaine himself cancelled the plan this morning.
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Postby Zancarius » Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:47 am

Turus beat you by ~a half hour.
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Postby Tirian » Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:06 am

Nice, that's what I get for posting from my phone.
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