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Tribes 2 Lives

Some games get old, but they seldom go forgotten! If you're interested in sharing updates on old classics, reminiscing about decades old frags, or feeling nostalgic, you've come to the right place.
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This forum is for classic games and their kin. Nearly any game older than 10 years is fair game, although titles that may have slipped into obscurity in spite of containing ground-breaking technology for their time are also acceptable even if they happen to be more recent.

Tribes 2 Lives

Postby Zancarius » Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:38 pm

That's right, the sequel to one of the most classic (and first online-only arena-like shooter) games ever lives. Again.

You can grab it here, along with the patch. I'm currently running a test server if you're interested. Their masters don't seem to be reporting exactly what I expected, so the game will either show up as "Black Raven Dragoons - Test Server" or "Gridlock IV - DESTRealm". There's a possibility it might not show up at all.

Anyway, grab the download from Filefront (tribes2_gsi.exe; MD5 checksum: 93460541ddd3bdff9b30829ba04f2186) and grab the TribesNext RC2a patch.

Be warned: You'll either love it or hate it. Not everyone seems to enjoy the extra dimension offered by jetpacks, so if you get frustrated at first, just keep trying! It's quite fun.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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