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Wednesday Greetings from New Mexico (A bit late)

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Wednesday Greetings from New Mexico (A bit late)

Postby Zancarius » Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:58 am

For those of you who don't know, I happen to live in a forest. Specifically, I live in a forest that contains mixed juniper, cedar, and pinion trees that, combined, make for an unfortunately flammable cocktail of treestuff. Every year toward the middle of summer, paranoia regarding the potential of impending forest fire piques (this is especially true around thunderstorm season). However, one thing I'm not accustomed to is the likelihood of fire in the dead of winter's eve. It makes sense, certainly, given the wet fall season, the rapid growth of grasses, and the onset of their decay. Dry low-lying fuels mixed with stressed trees makes for an even worse combination than already exists.

Given that background blurb, you might imagine what went through my mind Wednesday afternoon. Here is a (very) short photo essay.

At first blush, this strange formation to the east looks something like an unusual cloud layer. It's brown but that's not unusual. Airborne dust particles tend to taint the color of the clouds, especially following strong winds (which we had Tuesday).

Glancing around, it became apparent that the "clouds" I had first spotted were not clouds at all. They were a plume of sorts.

Yup, those aren't clouds. They're moving. Actually, they aren't moving; they're billowing! Heavens. I'm fresh out of marshmallows, too.

As it turns out, I heard (a rumor) that the fire was apparently the result of a controlled burn. While it's roughly the same sort of iconic irony as military intelligence, the Forest Service has had a few successful controlled burns in the area. Chief among such successful burns, and perhaps the most famous, was the controlled burn that started the Los Alamos fire of May 11, 2000. Ah, what comforting thoughts... I hope the rest of you have had a more normal week.
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Postby DeathAndTaxes » Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:48 am

Wow, what are those pictures of? It looks so big? And what's that blue thing at the top? Is this what they call the sideout? ;-)
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Postby Grimblast » Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:38 am

Looks like High Rolls to me ;)

Sucks to know that they can never keep those controlled burns under control!
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