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Gear and Raid questions

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Gear and Raid questions

Postby Grimblast » Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:30 pm

Now that I've allowed the randoms to sink in and allow everyone to get geared up, I'd like to find out a few things from as many guildies as I can. The following are some questions that have no wrong answers really. Answer them to the best of your ability. This will help me figure out what direction we will need to start taking.

    1. Are you having trouble gearing? If so, what is it that you are having difficulty with?
    2. Is there a particular item you've been trying to get out of randoms but have not been able to get?
    3. Do you want to raid? If so, what raid instance or instances do you think you are ready for?
    4. Do you know the fights or strategies involved?
    5. What role or roles are you willing to fill(if multiple characters involved, list them and their roles)?

And now for the not so serious questions...

Not So Serious Questions
    6. Is Jargath/Druleah flamable?
    7. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
    8. the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
    9. Has Sunder walked off a cliff before?
      9a. While you were present/walked off with him?
    10. Turus, Mage of _____?

Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
Dililah Turusian - Norn Necromancer ------------ Rahl Braincrusher - Char Mesmer
Star Earthbreaker - Sylvari Elementalist -------- Rylo Preystalker - Char Ranger
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Postby Zancarius » Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:38 pm

I'll leave questions 1-5 for the guild...

...the others, however, are fair game.

6) Yes. So much so, that I'm obliged to believe he carries a block of charcoal in his pants.

7) Bob.

8) If you're talking about a European swallow, the average airspeed is approximately 24 miles per hour. Source. Or 20 miles per hour, according to a revised estimate.

9) Yes.

9a) Yes.

10) Action!
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Postby MaxRile » Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:39 pm

Number 11 how many does sunder normaly take with him to the bitter end? 2
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Postby Jargath » Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:42 pm

3) Uld and Farming rep farming for Ashen Verdict (sp) for clothie patterns, and just for the sake of getting ach points need to finish Naxx
4) Not really, depends, does it have fire involved?
5) What ever you need I'll fill it to the best of my ability. I have the 3 toons:
Jargath Tank/DPS
Druleah Heal(Holy)/ Heal(Disc) Best geared and prolly my main main toon
Katarsonia Boom Boom/Heal

6) I burn very well. Yes, I have 2 blocks of charcoal ........
That's right. In My Pants. :)
7) African or European wood chuck?
8) African or European swallow?
9) Yup
9a) I was born at night, but not last night and it didn't involve flames
9b) I managed to lead an entire random off the platform in Nexus :oops:
10) 9 Lives
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Postby Highgrade » Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:26 am

If i am on i am willing to throw my self at anything till my brains turn into vodka and it is dispensed from my nasal cavities.

Jargath/Dru is flammable, everyone is with enough lighter fluid!

The wood chuck is a lie there is only Zul.

African or European if African: What kind of African Swallow? There are 47 varieties of swallows found in Africa. I will assume you mean either the West African Swallow (Hirundo domicella) or the South African Swallow (Hirundo spilodera) as they have "African" in their common names. Lucky for us, they are roughly the same size in terms of body mass, wing span, and flight mechanics.

In order to figure this out, we want to establish a Strouhal ratio which is the frequency (f) of wing beats and amplitude (A) of each wing flap. With those two numbers, it will be possible to estimate airspeed (U) for a cruising bird. (fA/U) if you will. So, with a frequency of wing flaps of about 7 times per second (which has played itself out in the Philos-O-Tron Wind Tunnel Testing Area) and an amplitude of .18m per flap (given that the average wingspan of this particular avian is around 29cm) that would yield an airspeed of roughly 11 m/sec or 24 mph assuming the swallow is unencumbered.

No he did not walk off the edge, I pushed his furry ass over to watch the lemmings follow the tank into oblivion. Shortly there after i buble hearthed to dalaran where i found a lovely blood elf in festive fare and danced all night long. In the morning i found my self lying in a bed next to a female orc. I chewed through the joint in my elbow to get out of there rather than waking her and asking her to move. Moral of the story? Nose vodka is powerful shit.

Action of the house of glass cannon!
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Postby Zancarius » Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:51 pm

Yrael wrote:There are 47 varieties of swallows found in Africa. I will assume you mean either the West African Swallow (Hirundo domicella) or the South African Swallow (Hirundo spilodera) as they have "African" in their common names. Lucky for us, they are roughly the same size in terms of body mass, wing span, and flight mechanics.

Did you get that from the same link I did (above)?
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Postby Highgrade » Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:49 pm

Probably, I mean does that really sound like something i could come up with on my own.
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Postby Seak » Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:27 pm

Hey guys,

Ill give the first 5 a go.
#1 Frosties are coming slow but no real problem. Still working on possible talent changes with the Warlock. My Huntard is coming along slowly now. i am trying to get Frost for all 3 evey night.
#2 Not really problems with randoms but the 10 mans i need to run alot more. Looking for a higher Mace/Axe for the DK and Staff for the Lock.
#3 Not sure if i can answer this one because i have only done the few with the Guild and 1-25 man that i didnt make it through (alive at the death of the boss).
#4 I have the randoms down pretty good now but dont know squat about the 10 and 25 mans other than what you guys have shown me.
#5 Seakq, Melee DPS. Seakd, Ranged dps, One day maybe a Huntard if you guys have the patcience :arrow:

If someone could explane how micro's work alittle better to me may help. Do most of you use a WOW key board?

Hope to see you all soon.
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Postby Zancarius » Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:43 pm

Seak wrote:If someone could explane how micro's work alittle better to me may help. Do most of you use a WOW key board?

Macros are a strange thing. I don't want to derail this thread more than I have, but you can probably find some useful ones on I actually don't use macros on any of my characters. I do, however, use the crap out of keybindings. I'll post a screenshot sometime.

My keyboard is just a general, run-of-the mill Logitech board I got about 7-8 years ago. Most of the letters have been rubbed off completely. Some people have good luck with those WoW-only keyboards. I'd probably stay away from them as the layout is kinda limited. (And I'm left-handed, so manufacturers hate me.)
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Postby Tirian » Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:06 pm

They don't hate you specifically Thal, they just hate 1/9 of the American population...
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Postby Zancarius » Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:26 pm

Tirian wrote:They don't hate you specifically Thal, they just hate 1/9 of the American population...

A population of which I am a member; ergo, they hate me! ;)
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