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Fail Druid

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Fail Druid

Postby Grimblast » Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:33 am

Thought I'd share this one since Tirian linked it to me and I found it so true about some players I have encountered in game.

Now if only they had one of a druid walking off a cliff backwards....hmm!
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Postby Zancarius » Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:41 am


This reminds me of a story...

Pre-BC, shortly after the mass exodus from Dark Equinox into the 'goons thanks to the best recruiter we've ever had (Streakzilla), I had a conversation with one of the 50 or so people who played Tradgedy's [sic] account. I can't remember precisely who the individual was, but it was someone who claimed to have been in a raiding guild, raided Molten Core, BWL, and the likes.

This individual proceeded to tell me that there were two different types of curses in the game, and that druids were the only class capable of curing all of them. He cited the mage spell "remove lesser curse" as it was known at the time as proof. Not surprisingly, he also claimed that his raid leader would not allow mages to dispell Lucifron's curses because such beasts were greater curses that only druids could abolish. Now, I never did raid MC much back in the day, but the few times I did get dragged along, I don't remember any raid leader leaving the curing up to druids. Mages and druids alike were told to keep an eye out for curses, cure them as fast as possible, and go about their business doing whatever it was they were doing when they weren't babying their raid frames.

I explained to him that, as with diseases and poisons, there were no "lesser" curses nor "greater" curses. A curse was a curse was a curse. He refused and claimed that I was stupid and didn't understand the mechanics of the game. I tabbed out, found a blue post on the WoW forums, and linked it to him. Naturally, he stated I was a liar and that the blue post, if such a thing existed, was fabricated.


Let this be a lesson: Always retain an open mind. Knowing everything is a surefire way to appear as though you know nothing!
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Postby Tirian » Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:26 pm

All of these sound familiar. Small world!
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