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Expansion 3 officially announced: Cataclysm

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Expansion 3 officially announced: Cataclysm

Postby Grimblast » Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:57 pm

That's right sports fans, Deathwing the Destroyer! I'm all up for killing some more dragons! It appears the races are confirmed it seems. Goblins and Worgen will be the new races. Blizzard has been busy it seems since they actulaly have models to show and a trailer too. I'm curious about the wording on that site about a war of the elements being rekindled. Remember, part of the past stories, Ragnaros was one of the man elemental crazies in the world so I'm curious what other nut jobs might come out the wood work(or dirt work and yadda yadda elemental mumbo jumbo).

The trailer shows the land scape decimated. This is going to get very interesting.
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Postby Zancarius » Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:29 pm

Since their site is on the fritz, I'm posting something I found interesting without permission

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Postby Lithium » Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:23 pm

Looks like they've confirmed most of the datamining stuff.

Spoilers due, so read further at your own risk.

Still with me?

Expect Thrall to be named as the new Guardian of Tirisfal. Garrosh (Same asshole as Varian, basically - but an orc) will be appointed new warchief. Being the idiots Varian and Garrosh are, expect an all-out race war.

Garrosh also has Cairne Bloodhoof painted as a traitor, and assassinates him.

I'm not down with the new leadership. But whatever.

And also - it was datamnied, but Thal just confirmed it - Tauren paladin? Give me a fucking break, Blizzard. Slap undead with the class, makes a tad more sense.

Other than that - looks interesting. Hyjal at long last.
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Postby Damorte » Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:26 pm

Human Hunters! YAY! Finally, always wondered why humans couldn't be hunters....
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Postby Zancarius » Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:45 pm

I agree with the Tauren thing--paladin taurens makes no sense at all. They probably did it so they can make PvP even more about stun, stun, stun! I mean... the undead have priests, why not pallies? It's a bit late for things to change--maybe.

Anyway, I've heard some rumors that once the world is sundered, there's no going back. If that's the case, that's going to kinda ruin the feel of going back and helping lowbies. Although, there's some speculation that the world will be sundered for everyone, lowbies included.


I realize it's about changing storylines, but seriously... sometimes it's fun to go back an reminisce. That's the beauty of games. Wanna go back to the beginning? You can. Oh, wait, it's an MMO and you're at the mercy of the devs and the content they want you to see.
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Postby Tirian » Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:01 pm

I'm thinking of writing a paper on this. Changing the landscape, effect on people, blah blah.

In other news, I'm thinking I'll roll a Worgen druid. Partly because I have some investment in just about every other class already... except rogues, which is a non-issue. Pfft, rogues.

I'm mixed on Tauren paladins, and don't like that this officially confirms that they're equating "sun" powers with the Light in some way. They better clean up this mess they're making with the Tauren and NE mythologies.
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Postby Zancarius » Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:05 am

Tirian wrote:I'm mixed on Tauren paladins, and don't like that this officially confirms that they're equating "sun" powers with the Light in some way. They better clean up this mess they're making with the Tauren and NE mythologies.

I think that's already been taken to the pasture.

So to speak.
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Postby Tirian » Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:25 am

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Postby Zancarius » Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:24 am

Hey, you asked for it. ;)
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Postby Sonikku » Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:01 pm

I'm guessing Blizzard's intention with the bovines is Paladins are popular. Bovines are unpopular. Thus, a Bovine Paladin is a way to get more race representation. As for the stun lock down, I'm not terribly afraid of that happening, mostly because Blizzard often deals in extremes. Ret was awful in Burning Crusade. Then Ret was amazing in Wrath, so much so that the player response for non-Paladins has been extremely negative. You can be sure Ret's are getting another obligatory redesign patch when 4.0 goes live, meticulously ensuring the class has no hint of burst one can imagine. That's my prediction.

I am surprised the Space Goats didn't get a new class at all. If it's "hip" to have Night Elf Mages because the Night Elves aren't supposed to be dabbling in magic, how so could it not also be "hip" for Space Goats to be Warlocks like the Ereder they hail from? They can't because they're too benevolent? Like hell they are. Space Goat Shamans are every bit as bad a stereotype in being assholes as the Night Elf Hunters of old!
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Postby Zancarius » Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:51 pm

Sonikku wrote:Then Ret was amazing in Wrath, so much so that the player response for non-Paladins has been extremely negative. You can be sure Ret's are getting another obligatory redesign patch when 4.0 goes live, meticulously ensuring the class has no hint of burst one can imagine. That's my prediction.

I get the idea from Blizzard's history that they seem to pick a "favorite" class for a few patch levels, bolster them, and then level them out after they've had their fun. Recall that the primary classes ruling the arenas in TBC were generally warrior + druids. There was even an AT comic on that. Now, you can't do much without a pally because of the extremely high burst damage. The real question is what class they're going to pick next for their favorite.

Enjoy it while you can. TG fury builds were pretty darn fun until they reinstated the self-nerfing ability of titan's grip; but, even I admit that TG was a bit over-powered when they removed the hit penalty. Frankly, I'm glad they beat the hell out of fury. Arms is so much more fun to play.

Sonikku wrote: Like hell they are. Space Goat Shamans are every bit as bad a stereotype in being assholes as the Night Elf Hunters of old!

Hate the player not the class!
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Postby Tirian » Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:20 am

Hey, I'm excited to see Shamapallymage Thrall and Archmage Jaina makin' some sweet quadro-class babies.
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