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Windows 7: Is it worth it?

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Windows 7: Is it worth it?

Postby Zancarius » Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:00 pm

I linked this to some folks on the board and they seemed to like it. If you're not 100% sure about whether you ought to upgrade to Win 7 or not, I might be able to help you make the decision. About a week and a half ago, Sno and Trekk convinced me to write up my thoughts on the subject. So far, I've found exactly one review from Gizmodo that attempted to do the same thing; the discussion was mostly flat and covered the same old crummy topics (OMG NEW TASK BAR) that have been rehashed so much that they hold roughly the same consistency as baby vomit.

Anyway, if you don't want to read a HUGE article (it's REALLY long), here's the TL;DR (that's "executive summary" for you business students) version:

  • It's Vista
  • It's better than Vista
  • XP is still somewhat better than 7 (not by much, though)
  • Resource management in 7 is better than Vista
  • If you don't like Vista, you should upgrade (this includes to XP--yes, that's an upgrade)
  • If you don't like XP, you should skip Vista
  • If you like XP, you should stay where you are

All in all, it's been pretty stable. Oddly, it's more stable than XP. I used to crash explorer--incidentally, this is the same process that manages the taskbar--at least once or twice during a typical day. I've never had one such crash in 7. There are some problems; as Turus pointed out in the comments on my blog post, power management is a bit too draconian by default, and you really need to tone down the settings unless you have a strong appreciation for replacing hard disks every 3 months.

So, read it and tell me what you think. If it's too long, don't bother. Trust me. I do have a lot of shiny pictures, though...
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Postby Grimblast » Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:41 am

That about sums it up. I've enjoyed using Windows 7 thus far. Lord knows I love to customize my GUI and it doesn't give me heart burn like Vista did on a workstation at the office. I'm sure there are other things I could mention but I'm at work and I'm about to get the whip, aiee!
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