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Learning WoW through Super Mario Brothers

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Learning WoW through Super Mario Brothers

Postby Tirian » Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:01 am ... -brothers/

Credit -- the SGA forums (something useful... weird).


Edit: Best quote:

Here’s where it gets tricky. When you tell 25 people to go to The Caverns of Time, seven of them don’t know what that is, two of them aren’t playing anymore, one fell asleep in his pizza, two have to drive their kids to therapy, one tells you to shut the fuck up, four are rebooting their computers, one is getting kicked off by his parents, two are lost foreigners who thought this was the train station, one is pressing enter on the same Chuck Norris joke over and over, two of them tell everyone to go to three different places and one is your girlfriend bitching at you about how much this sucks.
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Postby Grimblast » Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:39 am

That is pure comical genius right there!

[quote]You might be asking, “How can one video game help explain another?” If you are, please turn to section )*) to kiss my learning program on the ass and butthole. Everyone else, let’s continue.


That quote brightened my day at work. Before you say anything, just don't ask.

I could post quotes all day from this but it's pretty damn funny! :lol:
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Postby Zancarius » Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:39 pm

Turus wrote:That quote brightened my day at work. Before you say anything, just don't ask.

At first I thought this was in response to a quote from Tirian:

Tirian wrote:Credit -- the SGA forums (something useful... weird).
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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Postby Lithium » Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:24 pm

Haha... fuckin' Seanbaby. That guy is the coolest gamer columnist with a mohawk! Though he might be the only one. But that's beside the point. Haven't read an article by him in years, but he used to guest spot in gaming mags. His columns always rocked out.

Awesome find!
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