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Damb Bawr, Git off mah Propertay!

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Damb Bawr, Git off mah Propertay!

Postby Zancarius » Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:06 am

(I credit Lith for shouting this thread's subject in the middle of Tyr's hand.)

So after being pestered sufficently to call it quits on Thal, I decided to log on as my druid for the first time in ages. The intent was mostly to continue following a recent turn of events and discussion with Lith while he was on his priest. I had no real intention of playing the druid and only flew up to EPL in order to waste away some time before going to sleep.

That's where it started, anyway. Lith first suggested we try recovering a few towers and we did. In fact, only one of them had been taken--the one with the spectral gryphon master. (The flight is awesome, by the way. Lith discovered you can fly to each tower in the EPL; I don't know what their capture status has to be, however, as they were all under Alliance control.) So, we flew to Crown Guard, and Lith spotted Duskwing. That's where the fun began...

The intent was to dot the overgrown bat and run, hoping to avoid becoming a large pile of guano. I wasn't sure what the intent was, though I suspected it had to do with running, but I wanted to partake of the fun. So... I switched to bearform, got Duskwing's attention, and went from there. It was at that point when Lith stated "Hey, he's not really hurting you..." And at that point, a druid and a priest duoed Duskwing. I died at the end because I fumbled my buttons and switched to caster form (oops), but both Duskwing and an add were dispatched.

Lith's next idea was to try Tyr's Hand. I suspected it wouldn't turn out too well because I haven't played the druid much over the course of a year and because druids aren't supposed to do too well at anything in particular. It turns out that Lith's suspicions were correct! All it took was a priest and druid to duo most of Tyr's Hand, even with adds.

So the upshot is that I would like to publicly thank Lith for opening my eyes regarding the versatility of the druid class. I suspect that at this point, my plans for Shandaria have changed. She's going to see some instance action in the near future...

...all because of a crazy, psychopathic priest with a penchant for pissing off elite mobs. Thanks Lith!
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Postby Grimblast » Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:51 am

Told you your druid was uber...
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Postby Aigle » Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:25 pm

I've done quite well grinding at Tyrs Hand with a warrior friend of mine, just the two of us. A lot of it just has to do with crowd control. Druids are great versitle toons to play. I have quite some fun playing mine.
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