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Google Cannonball!

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Would you consider switching to a Google-produced OS?

Psh, Google is just another soul-sucking mega-corporation. I will only use Linux or whatever other pure open-source OS becomes available.
No votes
Psh, sounds too simple. I only use OS's that no one can understand.
Total votes : 5

Google Cannonball!

Postby Tirian » Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:41 am ... ?th&emc=th

Google Cannonball OS, coming to piss of a Microsoft near you!

Yes, I decided "Chrome OS" was stupid.
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Postby Damorte » Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:53 am

I'm not voting on this yet because from what I read it sounds like its designed only to power netbooks, well I don't own a netbook. What about drivers, and compatibility issues, if we think people had issues with Vista, this will be interesting. It may force manufacturers to develop patches and new drivers if the demand is high enough. I may be willing to try it on a partition, but not as my main OS until its proven itself, thats just me. The public however, is terrified of new things, and until our kids' generation grows up and isn't so chained to MS people won't switch, they just won't.
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Postby Zancarius » Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:28 pm

Tirian knows how to write poll options that only I would vote for.

Rather than rehash my long-winded comments about this, I'll direct you to my response on the topic elsewhere.

Executive summary: It sounds like all they're doing is stripping down the userland a little, writing their own window manager that interacts with Internet-based applications (probably the Google AppEngine), and shipping it for what is roughly an embedded market. Make no mistake about it, netbooks are just barely beyond embedded.

Who knows? It might take off. I'm not so sure people will be comfortable with the notion of having their precious documents stored on someone else's machine, regardless of what they do with e-mail.
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Postby Tirian » Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:35 pm

I wouldn't dare... :lol:
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Postby Zancarius » Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:11 am

Of course you wouldn't.
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