So don't be dismayed by the numbers on! Remember veterans, you do have the ability to recruit new members and we officers are still on. We just don't come on as often during the summer or due to current job activities. If you find it hard to get into groupage or would like to raid every now and then, make sure to view the SGA section of our forums. They are a great group of people I've been playing with for awhile and a lot of our older members have worked with them quite a few times. There's always someone giving a shout out for people for this instance or that if you are looking to get a good group going beyond guildies.
Also, as a reminder, you can see events they have setup by using the addon called GEM. Again, there is more detail on that in the SGA part of our forums so take a gander and get yourself hooked up. The SGA is family conscious so please watch the language in their chat and runs if you can. (I've been known to slip up heh)
But this is one of the many ways we can keep ourselves busy and still in the same guild with each other