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Algalon the Observer prophesying another expansion? -SPOILER

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Algalon the Observer prophesying another expansion? -SPOILER

Postby Tirian » Mon May 04, 2009 7:23 pm

I was just reading about Algalon the Observer on WoWWiki (yes, procrastinating):

If you look at his text when he despawns (he can't be "killed"), he sends a signal to the Titans for "re-origination" (i.e. wipe Azeroth clean). I wonder if this could be fodder for a future expansion. If not for the next one, maybe for the one after -- battling the (*cough*Norse*cough*) gods does seem fitting for level 100, eh?
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Postby Zancarius » Tue May 05, 2009 10:02 am

My bet's still on the Emerald Dream or as Turus has pointed out, the Eredar home world.
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Postby Sonikku » Fri May 08, 2009 3:28 pm

I think he can be killed, but raids only have one hour a week to attempt it. It's a way for Blue to prolong the amount of time it takes before guilds can say they've cleared all raid content.

The Emerald Dream would certainly be my choice for the next Xpack, although the Maelstorm with Azhara as a final boss is a likely possibility.
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Postby Tirian » Fri May 08, 2009 4:27 pm

"Killing" him results in a despawn and loot in a chest, supposedly. So he can be defeated, but he doesn't leave a body behind.

I'm betting on Maelstrom, Emerald Dream or both for the next expansion. I'd love to see those two, Argus (Eredar homeworld), some sort of Titan planet, or anything else really... those mysterious lost islands off the west coast of the Eastern Kingdoms that haven't been talked about or put on a map since Warcraft 1 would be cool too, could fit nicely into the Maelstrom theme.
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