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Conflicker Eye Chart

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Conflicker Eye Chart

Postby Zancarius » Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:09 pm

Here's an interesting chart to test "at a glance" for Conflicker infections: ... chart.html

Note: It's doubtful this particular test will last long as malware authors tend to update their worms rather quickly. Since Conflicker currently blocks the sites whose images are linked to at the top of the chart, the inability to load those images may be indicative of an infection. Don't be too surprised if a future variant checks to see if the browser is attempting to specifically load those pictures, however.

What is Conflicker?

Conflicker is also known as Downadup and is currently an extremely prevalent worm spreading with the express purpose of adding systems to "botnets." A botnet is a large group (10,000+ machines, usually many more) of loosely associated computers controlled externally without their operators' consent or knowledge and may be used in denial of service attacks against Internet hosts and extortion attempts. I have seen estimates that suggest Conflicker may currently be responsible for generating a botnet that may be significantly larger in size than Storm.
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Postby Tirian » Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:26 pm

That's brilliant!
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